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Bleu survey: the generosity of the French and Isère residents still there

The generosity of the French is on the rise, this is the conclusion of the latest Odoxa survey for Leetchi (online prize pool platform) and Bleu, carried out in September 2024. Fifteen euros in additional donations per household, or 206 euros on average in France. In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, donations are a little below this national average, at 197 euros. But, in our region, donors have a particular preference for associations that support sick and disabled people.

“Good news” for Afiph Isère

Each year, the association collects on average between 30 and 40,000 euros in donations. A stable figure certainly but this year, the association had a nice surprise. “We received a legacy. This is different from a standard donation. There, this legacy results in the donation of several apartments, worth 100,000 euros” explains Daniel Payern-Baron, president of Afiph.

A substantial value, in line with this trend observed in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Donations make it possible, among other things, to improve support for sick and disabled people. “In addition to improving schooling conditions in IMEs, medical-educational institutes, we organize outings for children as soon as we can, all kinds of activities so that they can lead a normal life.” he continues.

Afiph would like to be able to ride this wave of generosity.In the coming weeks, we will organize a campaign to make ourselves known. We will have a stand in the cinemas of Pontcharra, Allevard, Villefontaine and the area.” concludes Daniel Payern-Baron.

Secours Populaire records increasing donations

Secours Populaire de l’Isère received large donations this year, notably because of the burglary in December 2023. At the time, the damage was 300,000 euros. Today, it has increased to almost a million euros. For the secretary general of the Isère branch of Secours Populaire, Nabil Chetouf, this drama perfectly illustrates the growing generosity of the French. However, precariousness is also increasing, which does not necessarily help everyone.

It’s clear that this burglary caused a real upheaval. Our regular donors didn’t let us down, and people who aren’t used to giving were also generous” explains Nabil Chetouf. “This definitely helped us get our heads above water.” continues the Secretary General, who remembers this burglary as a real disaster, both for the association, but also for the beneficiaries.

However, Nabil Chetouf does not hesitate to put this growing generosity into perspective.People are more generous, but precariousness is also increasing. We reach a point where giving is no longer enough, we must address this precariousness at the source. This year, for the very first time, we will be in deficit, around 80,000 euros” he concludes.

What do the people of Grenoble say?

For the Grenoble residents we met, this increase in generosity is not necessarily confirmed. If all those who agreed to answer us tend to give, their donations, however, remain very occasional.I don’t necessarily give a lot. However, every year I make a point of purchasing their DVD” says Evelyne. For his part, Florian explains that he donates a small amount to two associations every month. “I have a debit of a few euros for medical research and for animals. I gave a lot more before, but now I have less means” he confides.



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