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Thousands of late payments for sick leave in Vendée and -Atlantique

We are in a stressful situation, every day is a fight.” slips Madeline, tears in her eyes. This former cleaning lady, fired a year ago, is in a situation “catastrophic” with her husband off work since March. The couple did not receive René’s daily allowance “since September 15” following a change in file management software at the Vendée Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM). A situation which also affects policyholders in -Atlantique, since the two departments are the first in to deploy this new tool, with thousands of people affected by these delays.

Bank accounts in the red

In Vendée, the CPAM mentions the case of 5,000 anomalies still in progress this Wednesday evening. Some policyholders have several anomalies, so it is difficult to estimate a precise number of people still awaiting payment of their daily allowances. In the case of this couple who live near Les Herbiers, the last payment was around 70 euros, much less than usual, and they have had no news since.

Every day, they consult their banks’ applications on their phones several times, and everything is red: “Mine is -400 euros, the account that takes all the bills is -200 euros and René’s is -150 euros”explains Madeleine in front of the screen of her smartphone. An untenable situation for these two parents of a little boy in CE2, who cannot afford to offer even one leisure activity per month to their child.

The bills are piling up

“Now, I want to go to the office and throw everything out”says René, quite annoyed. With the stress, he has had severe migraines in recent days which add to his constant pain in his left shoulder which prevents this former house painter from working. The couple made numerous phone calls, and they even moved several times to the CPAM of Vendée to try to obtain a deposit while waiting for the problem on their file to be resolved, but nothing has changed for the moment, except the invoices which continue to arrive.

“Next week, we will have corrections which should provide solutions and a return to normal for a number of policyholders which we hope is as large as possible”specifies Mickaël Gautronneau, director of the CPAM of Vendée. In other cases, the institution promises that it will study files with anomalies to send deposits starting next week.

The hope of a deposit

A long process with a file-by-file study which may take time: “We are cautious about the deposit payment because we also do not want to give false hope, adds the director. We are well aware that for a certain number of policyholders, this is absolutely necessary and that is the reason why we are going to make these payments.” For the moment, the CPAM of Vendée is not unable to announce a precise date for a return to normal, but from next week, the case of therapeutic part-time should be resolved.

René and Madeleine intend to fight to obtain a deposit, even though they have siphoned off all their savings to pay the mortgage on their homes and the energy bills that fell at the end of September. “It has to happen before the end of the week, if we don’t have anything, on Monday, I’m going to go up to the office and it’s going to be loud”blurted the former house painter, angry at this never-ending situation.


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