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This town joins the Small towns of character in Maine-et-

“As a tourist, I like to visit cities with this label. I told myself that in Pouancé, the potential was there. I had no difficulty convincing my colleagues on the municipal council. It was in 2017,” proudly recounted Pierrick Esnault, mayor of Ombrée-d’Anjou, Friday October 11, 2024, when returning to the history of the request for labeling of Pouancé as a Small city of character.

With the help of the tourist office, municipal services and representatives of the municipal council, the file was constructed and argued. “Upstream, there was a lot of great collective work. Technical services have contributed to the beautification of our city, continued the councilor. And, Friday October 13, 2017, we welcomed the approval commission. In January 2018, we joined the network and became approved. We then had three years to do even better, taking into account the observations. Covid gave us additional time. » On December 21, 2023, Pouancé obtained the status of approved city.

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Obtaining this label was also possible thanks to the work provided by several generations of Pouancéens. “They worked to pass on to us the fortified castle, the towers, the bourgeois houses, the discreet nuggets,” summarized Pierrick Esnault. He recalled the work on the Salt Grenier, the consolidation of the Porte Angevine, the requalification of the Porte Angevine islet, the development of an interpretation trail, etc. “What remains is the rehabilitation of the walkway and the Church, both closed to the public. »

Sixteen municipalities labeled in Maine-et-Loire

Olivier Roussez, mayor of Pouancé, echoed the words sent by Christelle Morançais, president of the Region: “Our challenge is to contribute together to preserving the living environment by providing aid for urban development, the beautification of towns, the restoration of buildings by supporting owners. »

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Priscille Guillet, mayor of Denée and Angevin representative of the association of Small cities of character, welcomed the arrival of Pouancé: “This signing of the contract binds us and obliges us to share the same vision, that of heritage and local culture. »

Pouancé is now one of the sixteen towns in the network in Maine-et-Loire. With Baugé, it is the only one represented north of the Loire.


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