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According to Italian media, Algeria is preparing a “high intensity” war against Morocco

«The conflict between Morocco and Algeria over Western Sahara could soon degenerate into open war» between the two neighboring countries. And the aggressor would obviously be none other than Algeria. At least this is the conclusion reached by the Italian online daily Geopolitical Newswho, in an article entitled “Moroccan Sahara: Algeria sends troops to Tindouf”, explains that, unlike Morocco which chose the diplomatic route to resolve the artificial conflict created around the Sahara issue, the Algiers regime opposes him with exclusively bellicose arguments.

The recent deployments of significant military assets on the Algerian-Moroccan border in the regions of Tindouf and Béchar, announced by the monthly review El Djeich, megaphone of the Algerian army, constitute the unmistakable sign of the desire for military escalation on the Algerian side.

«Despite the diplomatic efforts undertaken by Morocco in recent years to resolve the question of Western Sahara, the situation has worsened», indicates the media, noting that the latest issue of the Algerian army magazine announced the deployment of “a large contingent of troops and heavy equipment» near Tindouf, where the Polisario separatist militias are based.

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Geopolitical newsan online daily, launched in 2012 and based in the historic city of Trento in northern Italy, specializes in the analysis of international issues for which it has deployed dozens of journalists, most of them scattered correspondents across the world. Its journalist and author of the article, Giuseppe Gagliano, who says he fears a “high intensity war between Algeria and Morocco, recalls that “since 1973, Algeria has invested enormous resources» to support the Polisario separatists and oppose Moroccan sovereignty over its Sahara.

However, Morocco, adds the Italian media, with its military successes on the ground, has also “achieved significant diplomatic successes which bring it closer to a settlement of the conflict within the framework of the UN, strengthening its control over the region and obtaining the support of many countries for its autonomy plan in the Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty» as the sole basis for resolving the dispute.

Morocco’s breakthroughs in recent years are behind “Algeria’s frustration in the face of what increasingly appears to be a diplomatic defeat» and which push Algiers to think of “a fratricidal war between two neighboring countries historically linked by deep cultural and social ties», Continues the media.

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Tensions between Morocco and Algeria have worsened since 2020, with the arrival of General Saïd Chengriha at the head of the Algerian army and Abdelmadjid Tebboune as president. The latter has never stopped, since 2020, to provoke Morocco by carrying out frequent military exercises, known as live ammunition, which he directly supervised, and at least three of which took place in border regions of Morocco, including Tindouf.

Breakdown of diplomatic relations, closure of Algerian skies to aircraft registered in Morocco, closure of the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline, physical attacks against Moroccan diplomats, ban on ships transiting through Morocco from docking in Algerian ports, imposition of visas on Moroccans even though land, air and sea borders are closed…

Not to mention the far-fetched accusations regularly made against Morocco, such as the forest fires in Kabylia. Everyone knows that the regime of Algiers, governed by gerontes suffering from illnesses and mental disorders, is irrational. But there is a common denominator in all the measures taken since 2020: a deliberate desire for escalation, the culmination of which could be armed conflict.


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