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where are the works on these river banks?


Morgane Macé

Published on

Oct. 14 2024 at 4:21 p.m

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Since 2020, the Union Dear Don Isac led a five-year program to restore the beds of three rivers crossing -Atlantique, Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan. He understands the restoration of the bocage network and aquatic environmentsas well as agricultural support. What are the challenges of this landscaping work?

A turning point for agricultural crops

64 municipalities from eight intermunicipalities are concerned by the Territoire Eau contract aimed at improving water quality and preserving fauna and floraon the bed of the rivers of the Dearof Don and theISACA.

A program considered ambitious by the President of the union Dear Don Isac Didier Pécot: “The overall budget is 19 million euros. The Loire Bretagne Water Agency is the main financier with the Departments, the Regions and a remainder payable by the intermunicipalities.

We are moving away from the legacy of the last 50 years where we only built rectilinear ditches to evacuate water. Substantial funds are being mobilized to reverse what has been done, but this will be beneficial subsequently, for a resilient and less expensive hydraulic future.

Didier Pécot, President of the union Dear Don Isac

77 km of waterways to be restored

By 2025, the objective is to restore 77 kilometers of waterways . This goes through the revitalization of flowset the creation of shelters for aquatic fauna.

On the exploitation of the stream of the Pont de l’Ouen pond, 7.5 kilometers have already been completed since 2020. On average, five kilometers per year are restored by 5 technicians spread across the sectors of Derval, Jans and Lusanger .

When the topography allows it, the river bed is moved to its original bed: “We are going to recreate new windings to improve the quality and quantity of water, but also allow the watercourse to return to its original groundwater table” explains Clément Dénarnaud, in charge of the Don watershed.

On a plot of joint farming group (Gaec) Lusanbio, to Lusanger, two kilometers have been restored.These arrangements which are beneficial to the growth of the meadowbenefit farmers.

A rediscovered biodiversity

Before and after each work, an inventory of animal species to be preserved is carried out. In the Chère sector, the results are positive :

“After work carried out in 2018 at Pas Guillaume streamthe River Fish Index IPRs carried out showed that the species have diversified. We went from the “bad mediocre” index to “medium good”” relates Guillaume Rocher, technician in charge of the Chère watershed.

These interventions promote biodiversity and clean up waterways while allowing adapt to climate changein particular by delaying the access of the latter, during the summer period.

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