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minors in police custody

Friday October 11 in the evening, two young people were attacked with knives in Aulnay-sous- and one of them died from his injuries. Minors were placed in police custody for “organized gang murder”.

Several minors were placed in police custody in the investigation into “organized gang murder” opened in Seine-Saint-Denis after the death of a 16-year-old teenager, victim of a knife attack on Friday in Aulnay-sous -Wood, we learned on Sunday from a judicial source.

The departmental judicial police service is leading this investigation into murder by an organized gang and attempted murder by an organized gang. No details on these police custody, revealed by Le Parisien, were communicated by the public prosecutor’s office to AFP.

A “teenage quarrel”

Hospitalized Friday evening after being stabbed in Aulnay-sous-Bois, the victim died from his injuries. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, another teenager was more lightly injured during the same knife attack, near a fast-food restaurant, and his vital prognosis was not in jeopardy.

The mayor of Aulnay-sous-Bois, Bruno Beschizza, launched on Saturday “a solemn appeal for calm”, “above all not to fall into a spiral of revenge or reprisals”. Contacted by AFP, Bruno Beschizza had argued that the drama had, according to him, “no link with neighborhood rivalries”, rather evoking the track of a “quarrel of adolescents which goes upscale and arrives at the worst extremity, the death of a young person.”

The events occurred near a burger restaurant located at the intersection of two major roads, where “kids from all neighborhoods” of the city (85,000 inhabitants) converge, according to the mayor.

The police exercised “sustained vigilance” during the weekend to try to avoid possible “retaliatory actions”, according to a police source. The phenomena of rivalries between gangs are taken into account even if the altercation does not necessarily originate in the neighborhoods from which the people involved come, this source pointed out.


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