DayFR Euro

Geneva: government parties take over the Court of Auditors

The government parties, who made a joint list for the occasion, won everything. The PLR, the PS, the Center and the Greens have placed their six candidates at the Court of Auditors, the public policy monitoring body. This Sunday, Pierre-Henri Pingeon and Laurent Thurnherr were elected in the second round. They beat the candidates of the Green Liberals, “Liberty and Social Justice”, as well as an independent. The two men join Sophie Forster Carbonnier, Fabien Mangilli, Nathalie Brender and Frédéric Varone, elected in the first round on September 22.

“We are delighted that all the skills identified are available to the Court and the people of Geneva, which will allow us to achieve our four priorities for the next six years, namely improving services to the population, proposing measures to “economy, support the digital transition, strengthen the capacities for reviewing accounts”, indicated Sophie Forster Carbonnier, re-elected titular magistrate, in a press release distributed by the four allied parties.

The voter turnout was extremely low: it stood at 15.92%.



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