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“Catastrophic”, “incompetence”, Alain Rousset’s rant against the government which is demanding 126 million euros from the region

126 million euros: this is what the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region will have to find, in its 2025 budget, to cope with the effort imposed on it by the State, which is massively in deficit. Enough to anger its president Alain Rousset.

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The announcement came on Thursday October 10 with the presentation of the 2025 finance bill by the Barnier government. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region will be asked to contribute 126 million to support the country’s colossal deficit. Questioned by France 3 Aquitaine, the president of the region said he felt “an anger linked to the incompetence of the members of Bercy and the politicians. We will have to take responsibility”.

Michel Barnier had warned that an unprecedented budgetary effort would have to be made next year to deal with the massive slippage in the public deficit. Local authorities will have to put their hands in their pockets in a very significant way. New Aquitaine must make 126 million savings, and it has one month to find out how.

“Is that reasonable?” Alain Rousset wonders who hasn’t lost his temper since this announcement.

We are not responsible for this disorder and this public deficit.

Alain Rousset,

president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region

In the national press, I learned that the government has been alerted since December!”he gets annoyed. “Bercy was wrong about the revenue forecast, particularly on VAT. It’s a disaster, all these particularly trained and intelligent people and the politicians behind them have not taken responsibility.”

Alain Rousset fumes. And does not hesitate to make the connection between the state of the public deficit and the decision of the President of the Republic to dissolve the National Assembly last June.

“The politicians did not take responsibility, to the point that I wonder why Emmanuel Macron really made this decision that we all thought was “far-fetched” to want to dissolve the National Assembly. I think that his real reason is his knowledge of public finances, not wanting to take it on and passing the baby on to another majority. The fact remains that the new majority is a little similar to the previous one. deplores the regional president.

I think that Emmanuel Macron made the decision to dissolve, because he knew the state of public finances and did not want to take responsibility for it.

Alain Rousset,

president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region

“126 million euros is the equivalent of one year of operation of high schools, or 25% of the daily TER offer, the equivalent in the budget of health and social training, that is- that is to say nurses and caregivers, home help for the elderly, this is around 100 million euros for the heating and water and operating budget of the Élysée, this is aid to businesses and employment”lists Alain Rousset

The Region, like other local authorities, does not have the right to be in deficit, nor to borrow to ensure its operation, as the State can do.

The region must be in balance and will have to find savings, or make drastic cuts!

Alain Rousset,

president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region

>> VIDEO. See the interview with the socialist president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of October 11, 2024 on the Barnier government’s draft finance law.

duration of video: 00h01mn57s

Questioned by Guillaume de Decaix on October 11, 2024, the regional president reacts after the presentation of the finance bill by the Government and the announcement of its colossal deficit, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region will be asked to contribute up to 126 million. “It’s catastrophic, it’s incompetence,” he declared to France 3 Aquitaine.

©France 3 Aquitaine

The budgetary orientation debate, which was to take place on Monday October 14 in plenary session, has already expired. “But a debate will take place, we are not going to shirk and we are going to take back the budget, but it is once again catastrophic at a time when we must support farmers and businesses who are suffering. We will have to take responsibility and I hope that the parliamentary debate will resolve this problem”, assures Alain Rousset.


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