DayFR Euro

Notice of call of interest

Call of interest notice documents: Available at SEAO.

Submission of documents: No later than October 17, 2024 at 10:30 a.m., closing date and time of the notice of interest.


The City of Quebec requires proposals for the notice of call of interest mentioned in the title. The documents are available through SEAO ( or at 1 877 336-7326. Obtaining documents is subject to the pricing of this organization.

Any applicant wishing to submit a response to this call for interest must indicate their intention to do so by email to Simon Rodrigue [email protected] no more than two days before the response submission deadline. Following expression of interest, a procedure will be sent to the potential applicant.

The City incurs no responsibility for the fact that written notices or any documents transmitted by electronic system are incomplete or contain any error or omission whatsoever. Consequently, any applicant must ensure, before filing, to obtain all the documents related to this notice of call of interest.

The Supply Department 418 641-6164.



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