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Solvay, very high voltage line, Rhône plan… The overly pious wishes of the Departmental Council?

It’s not yet the new year, the Departmental Council has issued a series of wishes relating to the issues of the department.

The Department, serial transmitter of wishes? Apart from the health plan, the debates of the departmental councilors mainly focused this morning on three wishes presented by the community. Three wishes out of around ten reports for this public session which lasted a little over an hour.

The first concerned the work to strengthen the dikes of the Petit Rhône, carried out by the – pay attention to the acronym – “SYMADREM” for Interregional Mixed Syndicate for the Development of the Dikes of the Rhône Delta and the Sea. The plan went from €30 million to protect 30,000 people by carrying out work on 56 km of dykes to €15.5 million of work, protecting only 12,000 people.

Rapporteur of the report, the elected departmental representative of the canton of Marguerittes, Rémi Nicolas, recalled the history of this territory, marked by “ floods that occurred in 1993, 1994 then in 2003. It is from there that the Rhône plan saw the light of day » and with it, the “SYMADREM” carrying out 220 million works to date. Except that in the meantime, the State has requested a review of the project, “ based on a six-month flash study which calls this project into question », Regrets Mayor Robert Crauste.

The councilor is bitter: “ This is an abandonment of the Camargue… We have been waiting for this work for 20 years. We felt confident and we returned to an uncertain and worrying situation. For the elected officials that we are, this cannot be acceptable “. For now, the union’s environmental authorization has been suspended by the state.

The other two wishes concerned the closure of the Salindres factory, Solvay, which announced “ brutally » put the key under the door. “ Even if, this Thursday, we had good news, that the employees found a worthy agreement (with 13 jobs saved out of the 68, Editor’s note) for them, it is once again a defeat for industrial employment on our basin », Comments the departmental councilor of the canton of Rousson, Ghislain Chassary. And to add by emphasizing: “ It is not immigration that is taking away our jobs, it is capital that is outsourcing them. »

Finally, elected officials spoke out, loud and clear, against the very high voltage electricity line project which provides for the creation in 2028 of a 400,000 volt line crossing the territory of Beaucaire Terre d’Argence. The elected RN of the canton, Jean-Pierre Fuster, spoke: “ This is a threat to our territory, we cannot accept that. » And to highlight the actions of the mayor of Beaucaire and the deputy Yoann Gillet which had enough to annoy the other elected officials. “ If we had to name all the mayors who took action, there are many of them! », replied the elected representative of the canton of Blauzac and senator, Denis Bouad.

It remains to be seen whether these positions will be followed up. Facing the State or economic power, not sure. It is very likely that these wishes will remain pious.


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