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The new director general of ISRA is banking on resolving the seed issue to achieve food sovereignty in Senegal – VivAfrik

“Food sovereignty is no longer a distant dream, it is becoming a humanitarian emergency,” they say. It is with this in mind that Senegal plans to develop a national food sovereignty strategy meeting the aspirations of the project advocated by the new authorities. However, this momentum can be undermined by the unsuitability of imported seeds in relation to the climatic conditions of our regions. A maladjustment which does not shake the new director general of the Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research (ISRA).

Indeed, the African seed market, particularly Senegalese, is undermined by several issues, namely the unsuitability of imported seeds, that is to say their quality in relation to the climatic conditions of our regions, the absence of local seed production, the absence of national private companies that can take up this challenge. In addition, applied research on the issue is not sufficiently developed, failing to meet the national need, especially in terms of vegetable seeds.

Despite this bleak picture of the seed market, the new director general of the Senegalese Agricultural Research Institute is determined to reverse the trend. Moustapha Guèye who informed that his institute managed to reach a record with the production of 150 tonnes of pre-basic peanut seed expected this year is of the opinion that Senegal can, like Morocco, resolve the issue linked to seed production.

“Our objective is to involve the private sector more in seed production. This production is not a research activity. We need capital and state-of-the-art infrastructure. So we will start with some private ones but we will also extend our collaboration. We have identified, throughout the national territory, structures which have farms or which have the capacity to produce seeds. By partnering with them, with the support of banking services, the difficulties linked to the seed issue will be minimized,” said Dr Moustapha Gueye.

Before adding that Senegal can definitively resolve this issue as Morocco did. “When it comes to research funding, in Morocco, it is the king who is the main donor. This is why they have a very efficient search system. Senegal can follow this path,” noted Momar Talla Seck’s successor.

Who deplored the fact that in sub-Saharan Africa, “we have economies with very limited possibilities. Our institutions are perhaps funded at a certain level and it is the research teams who must seek additional funding knowing that it is the one who funds you relatively who conditions you.”

Dr Moustapha Gueye faced the press to announce the activities which will mark the celebration of ISRA’s 50th anniversary and look back on the highlights of the institute’s history. The official celebration will take place on the anniversary date of November 4, 2024 under the patronage of the Head of State. This will be followed by a two-day scientific forum on the theme: “Issues of agricultural research for sustainable economic and social development”.

“Since its creation in 1974, ISRA has remained at the forefront of research and innovation, while being deeply rooted in local realities. It has established itself, throughout the ages, as an essential pillar of agricultural research in West Africa, playing a key role in the improvement of agricultural practices, innovation and scientific research. Through research programs backed by a clear vision and tireless efforts, its researchers have not only contributed to improving the lives of the Senegalese populations, but have also positioned Senegal as a leader in agricultural research in Africa,” indicated Dr. Gueye.

Who hastens to explain that this research did not obscure the seed question with the main objective of achieving food sovereignty. “One of the key pillars of agricultural research in Senegal is the achievement of food sovereignty.”

A wish which the current Head of State, Baasirou Diommaye Diakhar Faye, has made his own, emphasizing, during the Council of Ministers on August 14, 2024, the imperative to overhaul the agricultural research and extension policy, in accordance with international standards. and to strengthen ISRA for food sovereignty purposes.

Moctar FICUU / VivAfrik


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