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Solvay employees “come out on top”

68 jobs were threatened in the Solvay factory located in Salindres, in the Cévennes. An end to the crisis has been achieved.

“The Salindres site is strongly impacted by several factors: strong competition international, mainly Asian, on TFA and fluorinated derivatives produced in Salindres, a financial performance of the Salindres site which has been deteriorating for several years as well as a hardening of European regulations and French on PFAS »the management of Solvay told us a few days ago.

« A puff »

Giovanni Di Francesco, head of the Alès Section of the French Communist Party, then opposed: “And bam, the usual argument from a boss: ‘it’s the fault of foreign competition and environmental standards’. Let’s say it’s more the fault of a boss who hasn’t invested here for ages to modernize and diversify and has instead chosen to feed the appetites of its shareholders » .

13 jobs maintained

A compromise was finally found with the CGT, after 15 grueling days of struggle. An agreement conditional on studies that should be carried out. “Solvay employees come out on top and with pride from their standoff with the CEO and the shareholders,” informs Ghislain Chassary, mayor of Rousson and Vice President of Alès Agglo. 13 jobs will, among others, be maintained on the site both by the Axens company over 2 years and in the Solvay group on the platform. Furthermore, compensation “supra-conventional” in the amount of €40,000 will be paid to all dismissed employees, subject to the successful completion of future operations until the definitive cessation of production.

Axens, collateral victim

The neighboring company, Axens, had in fact known for around ten days “a very strong slowdown in its activity” due to blockages following the announcement of the closure of Solvay. “ These blockages concern free access to the platform, strongly limiting the entry of raw materials and deliveries of products, as well as the cessation of steam production.detailed the direction of Axens.

The employees “immediately” vacated the bridge

In responsibility and in accordance with the agreement, the employees have ” immediately “ released the bridge and undertake to resupply Axens with steam as quickly as possible. “Now, it is urgent that the Prime Minister and his colleagues from Industry, Environment and Health each answer the questions remaining unanswered“, urges Ghislain Chassary. Which suggests : “Reindustrialization of the chemical site: environmental study on the platform: study on PFAS in relation to the health of employees and local populations”.


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