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SRM Casablanca-Settat: ONEE unions give up their strike movement

It only took 24 hours for the crisis to be defused. The coordination of three unions representing ONEE civil servants in the drinking water sector has just announced the suspension of its protest movement, one day after a 72-hour strike was announced.

The three unions concerned are the National Drinking Water Federation, the national union of ONEE civil servants, drinking water sector and the ONEE National Union. They have just announced the suspension of this movement, pending the signing of the framework agreement currently in negotiation with the Multiservices Regional Company of Casablanca-Settat.

It is Al Akhbar which reports the information in its edition of Friday October 11, explaining that the coordination expects the framework agreement to respond to the commitments made during a previous meeting dating from September 12, 2024, with the exception of two points, including one relating to professional stability linked to the nature of the missions entrusted to the SRM. In any case, this is what is mentioned in a press release from the said coordination, and which is echoed in the daily newspaper.

The same source specifies that the previously announced protest program is only a means to preserve the rights of employees and that the expected framework agreement should respond to this by granting them advantages and preserving their rights. She adds that a telephone interview with SRM officials confirmed the general management’s commitment to continuing the work in progress in order to quickly conclude the agreement.

While waiting to see if these promises come true, Al Akhbar recalls that the unions in the drinking water sector had promised several “days of anger», in reference to the national walkouts announced for October 14, 15 and 31, as well as November 14 and 15. Sit ins were also planned in front of ONEE regional directorates in several cities with the permanent wearing of armbands.

The motivations put forward to justify these protests concerned vagueness surrounding the fate of certain categories of ONEE employees. At the same time, the unions denounced the lack of will of the parties concerned to respond favorably to the union grievances formulated during the meeting of September 12.


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