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Gender equality. What Moroccans think about it according to an HCP study

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The HCP note, based on the National Survey on Household Perception of Certain Aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals (2016), concerns different aspects of parity, particularly in the areas of education, employment, social and political responsibilities, as well as domestic tasks.

It reveals that the perception of gender equality is largely influenced by cultural and social factors. Moroccans believe that inherited traditions play a key role in perpetuating inequalities.

However, they also recognize that education is a fundamental lever for reducing these disparities, particularly in the areas of work and access to responsibilities. As for the question of inheritance, it remains a very controversial subject, with strong opposition to the idea of ​​parity.

Here are the key figures from the study.

Areas of inequality

According to this study, 58.4% of Moroccans believe that there is no equality between men and women in the country. The perception of this inequality is higher in rural areas, where 65,8% of those questioned affirm the absence of equality, against 52,4% in urban areas.

By gender63.3% of women believe that there is no equality between the sexes in Morocco. In comparison, 54.8% of men share this opinion.

Moroccans perceive gender inequality differently depending on the areas of social, economic and domestic life:

  • 16,5% of Moroccans believe that there is no equality between men and women in terms of access to education, while this figure reaches 20,4% for access to health care.
  • 87,6% of respondents consider that there is no equality in the sharing of domestic tasks. This is the area where inequality is most visible according to them.
  • 31,5% think that there is no equality in matters access to the labor marketwith 25,9% for access to public employment and 34,3% for access to private employment.
  • Inequalities in access to employment are particularly perceived by 38.6% of women against 25.5% of men.

Causes of inequality

Perceived inequalities are mainly attributed to cultural and traditional factors:

  • 58,7% of Moroccans affirm that these inequalities come from inherited traditions. This figure reached 61% in urban areas et 54.7% in rural areas.
  • 22,5% of respondents believe that these inequalities are due to the lack of access to education for women.

Strong opposition to parity in inheritance

The subject of parity in inheritance is particularly sensitive in Morocco. A large majority of Moroccans interviewed are opposed to the reform aimed at establishing equality in inheritance between men and women:

  • 86,8% Moroccans say to themselves against parity in inheritancewith more marked opposition among men (92,3%) than in women (81,4%).

Equality in access to positions of responsibility

Asked about equality in administrative areas, a majority of Moroccans declared themselves in favor of gender parity in various sectors. These include access to administrative responsibilities (73.5%), parliamentary representation (71.1%), territorial elective functions (70.5%), participation in government (68.7%), access to the judiciary (67. 3%), as well as the leadership of political parties and unions (65.4%).

Priorities to promote equality

The survey also asked Moroccans about the priorities for improving gender equality:

  • 65,3% of those interviewed believe that education is the key to achieving true equality.
  • 20,3% consider that access to employment is the priority.
  • Only 6,8% of respondents believe that improving equality requires access to positions of responsibility.

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October 10, 2024 at 6:46 p.m.

Modified October 10, 2024 at 7:29 p.m.


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