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. Sorbonne student sexually assaults a woman just because he had a crush on her


Francois Desserre

Published on

10 oct. 2024 à 18h12

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How a brilliant student in Applied Foreign Languages ​​(LEA), without history, with an impeccable life, can he find himself prosecuted for a violent sexual assault? What’s more, he has been in a relationship for 18 months and the understanding seems good.

Thursday October 10, 2024, it is a tearful Sébastien who is escorted into the box of the court. The young man of 19 ans puts on his glasses. He tries to find a little composition. In front of him, the president begins to recount the facts.

Last Friday, October 4, a young woman left her job in Port-Marly (). It is around 22 h. A little walk, a footbridge to cross and she will join her boyfriend. He is playing football.

At the foot of the footbridge

Behind her is Sébastien. And he literally had a crush on her. He follows her. She turns around. He stops. She leaves again. He continues to follow her. At the foot of the footbridge, he accelerates. And commit the irreparable.

From behind, he grabbed the unfortunate woman by the throat. He starts running his hands over her body. She struggles, refuses and tries to escape down the stairs. He takes advantage of it to pass your hands on his thighs. He raises them towards his private parts then his chest. “Let it happen,” the attacker tells him.

The victim screams her boyfriend’s first name. He doesn’t hear. Sébastien gives him a first shotthen a second… Five in total before the poor thing could escape.

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“I let myself be pushed by the devil”

Finding Sébastien is not going to be an easy task. The video surveillance images are not very clear. The description is standard: short, fairly thin, black hair, glasses, backpack, Asian…

Finally, on October 8, 2024, the anti-crime brigade from Saint-Germain-en-Laye spots a suspect at a bus stop. It matches the description. Recognized behind number 9 on the upholstery, he admits.

His trial is a true act of contrition. “I am a Christian. God doesn’t like that. I let myself be pushed by devil. I didn’t know what I was doing. »

The judge wants to understand what went through his mind when he was already in a relationship.

“Sorry… I wanted to talk to him. Seduce her. And then, I had an impulse. I hit her because she fought back. »

Sébastien, the accused

One of the magistrates is surprised by the contrast between her remorse at the hearing and the delay in her arrest. “Why didn’t you go and surrender?” » Response from the person concerned: “I was scared. And then the next day, I had to go to class early at the Sorbonne. »

The series of apologies is followed by the prosecution’s requisitions. “This sexual assault is characterized by violence and surprise. This young woman was cowardly attacked as she was returning home. I am asking for 20 months in prison, including 8 prison sentences. » The sentence could therefore be adjusted.

The sanction

When he returns, the court announces its decision. More severe than the prosecutor’s request. The judges handed down 3 years in prison, including one year of suspended probation. For the remaining two years, an order immediate incarceration is pronounced.

Prison. At this word, Sébastien buried his face in his left hand. Long seconds pass and her tears burst out louder. Then he lets himself fall on your knees under the eyes of his parents. Picked up by the escort, he leaves the box with his head down.

He has 10 days to appeal the decision. He had never been convicted until now.

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