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Maine-et-. Water resources: the latest restrictions are lifted by the prefect

The rainfall in recent weeks has helped to strengthen the hydrological situation in the department. The state of surface and underground resources being favorable, the prefect of Maine-et- has decided to lift the last restrictions still in force in Maine-et-Loire. However, he reminds that each user is always invited to adopt sobriety practices to limit their water consumption. This resource is precious, and every gesture counts to contribute to its preservation. For more information, up-to-date information can be found at the following link: Water-and-aquatic-environments/Water-restrictions/Use-of-water-Restrictions-in-force.

Reminder of good actions to apply all year round:
– Prefer a shower to a bath.
– Install aerators on the taps.
– Collect rainwater to water the garden.
– Mulch trees and vegetable gardens.
– Use economical irrigation techniques.
– Opt for crops that consume less water and are more resilient to heat peaks.

Restrictions on water use: how does it work? Why restrictions?

These measures, progressive and temporary, aim to preserve water resources in the event of a shortage or drought. Who triggers them for Maine-et-Loire? The Prefect of Maine-et-Loire, on the proposal of the departmental territorial management which monitors the state of water resources on a weekly basis (flow of watercourses, measurement of the height of underground water tables). How are the restrictions calibrated? Depending on the state of a watercourse or groundwater, an area is classified as “vigilance”, “alert”, “heightened alert” or “crisis”. Each of these thresholds corresponds to recommendations or restrictions applicable to different categories of users: individuals, businesses, communities and farmers. For more information, visit the website: -in-water/.


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