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The Swiss people will vote on “environmental responsibility” on February 9, the only federal subject on the voting menu

The Swiss people will vote early next year on the popular initiative of the Young Greens “for environmental responsibility”. The Federal Council decided on Wednesday that only this federal object will appear on the voting menu on February 9.

The initiative “For a responsible economy respecting planetary limits” requires that the Swiss economy, including imports, reinsert itself within the earth’s natural limits within ten years. If it were accepted, Switzerland would be required to significantly reduce environmental damage caused by national consumption.

Read also: Switzerland is accused of not keeping its climate commitments

This obligation would apply in particular to climate change, loss of biodiversity, water consumption, land use and nitrogen and phosphorus inputs.

An unfavorable horizon

Parliament recommends the rejection of the text, as does the Federal Council. According to them, the initiative goes too far. The ten-year deadline would have too strong economic and societal consequences. The left tried to pass a direct counter-proposal, which takes up the text of the initiative, but without any binding implementation deadline. Without success.

The alliance in favor of the text has four months to convince the population that the sustainability of our economy and our society must become a collective priority, the Young Greens reacted in a press release on Wednesday. They said they were “convinced that all human beings have the right to healthy food, clean drinking water and clean air.”

Read also: “Every week, a river in the canton of Vaud suffers from pollution of human origin”

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