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What is the youth emancipation income, tested for the first time in ?

Let’s go for the youth emancipation income! Since October 1, this experiment, which has taken place in Meurthe-et-, has been tested for the first time in , for three years. The goal? Helping some young people to make ends meet. Le Parisien Étudiant explains everything to you.

Who is the youth emancipation income intended for?

The Youth Emancipation Income is intended for 16-25 year olds in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle who are not eligible for other aid, such as that of the Crous for students, but who nevertheless have little or no income, possibly in family breakdown. “We are targeting those who are outside the system, a part of those who are unfortunately called dropouts,” explained Chaynesse Khirouni, the president (Socialist Party) of the departmental council of Meurthe-et-Moselle.

Last November, the president estimated that this aid could concern around 300 young people in the department, mainly in “family breakdown, in a situation of wandering or in a period of transition between studies and employment”. According to the departmental council, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, “the poverty rate for young people under 30 is more than 26%. 2,000 young Murthe-et-Mosellans are neither in employment, nor in studies, nor in training. Access to housing, training, culture, health, training and employment is complicated for many of them.”

What is it about?

This is new financial aid of 500 euros per month. For Lionel Adam, departmental advisor responsible for the project voted on at the end of September, this boost is “a lever, a support” for these young people. This financial assistance is accompanied by monitoring of young people, “the keystone of the system, which gives it its reason for being” indicates Lionel Adam. The support will be “progressive” and organized over two semesters. A first semester to “meet young people, create a bond of trust” and think about a project. The following six months should see the “concrete mobilization” of the beneficiary.

A charter will be signed between the department and the beneficiary in order to materialize the “reciprocal commitment” that this remuneration is supposed to represent. The community must “listen and provide support for the steps taken by the young person”, when the latter undertakes to “respect the values ​​of the Republic and its symbols”.

For the start-up, one million euros is allocated to the project. To organize the payment of this financial aid, two bodies have been created within the department: a steering committee which will monitor the evaluation of the system, and a youth emancipation commission which will be in charge every month of studying the requests potential beneficiaries.

For how long?

Beneficiaries will be able to receive this youth emancipation income for a maximum of twelve months, “continuous or discontinuous”, to “take into account the vagaries of life”. This experiment will take place over 18 months and is renewable once, indicates the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle.

Do initiatives exist elsewhere?

Other communities, such as the metropolitan area and the -Atlantique department, are experimenting with similar systems. In Lyon, the youth solidarity income (RSJ), an allowance of up to 420 euros per month paid by the metropolis to 18-25 year olds for a maximum of 24 months, has existed for three years. In Loire-Atlantique, the Youth Income, also granted to 18-25 year olds, can amount to up to 500 euros per month and can be paid for 4 renewable months.


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