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Gendarmerie rents: “I realize the hole in the fund”, several municipalities in -Atlantique affected

Many municipalities have not received their rent. As Bleu revealed on Monday October 7, the national gendarmerie is unable to pay its rentdue to lack of resources. A decision launched by the former Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin who wanted to cover unforeseen expenses. Several reasons have been put forward, such as the additional resources requested during the securing of the Olympic Games, but also the reinforcements of gendarmes sent to New Caledonia.

In -Atlantique, several municipalities are affected by this rent freeze.

“There, I’m afraid”

The various councilors concerned learned about it by email last Friday, to the great surprise of Sandra Impériale, the mayor of Bouguenais, “I noticed the hole in the box at that moment. There, yes, I’m afraid” she says. Her town did not receive its second half-yearly transfer of around 95,000 eurossupposed to cover the rents of the twenty gendarmes present on site, “This is therefore a loss of 95,000 euros.” supports Sandra Impériale. The mayor, even if she hears the arguments put forward by the government, has difficulty with this decision. “We are already saving more and more, we are being asked to be even more careful. I want to keep my brigade, security is a priority“.

Same example at Basse-Goulainewhere the rent supporting the pavilions where the 18 gendarmes live of the municipality represents 202.000 euros per year. Mayor Alain Vey explains that his municipality can absorb these losses until the end of the year. “We can turn our backs on our finances, while being understanding on everything that was implemented in terms of security for the Olympic Games where it was a real success, then the need to send reinforcements to New Caledonia“.

Delays until December

For its part, the government promises that the situation is temporary. Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau affirms that the rents will all be paid despite the delay. Some payments could be made by December, but, according to the Beauvau tenant, the situation will return to normal at the beginning of next year, maximum.


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