DayFR Euro

Territory of Belfort. A motorcyclist intercepted at 127 km/h on the climb to Ballon d’Alsace

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They heard a motorcycle accelerating and checked it at Bérézina on the summit of the Vosges massif. The driver, a 24-year-old from Nancy, was intercepted by gendarmerie motorcyclists. They set a speed of 120 km/h which is 50 km/h above the authorized limit. It constitutes a high speed offense.

The motorcyclist received an administrative retention of his driving license for 7 days, pending a court decision. His motorcycle was recovered by the Josseron recovery company and was impounded. The motorcyclist faces a fifth class fine and a suspension of his license. During the afternoon, the gendarmes again fined users who were driving between 20 and 30 km/h above the authorized speed.


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