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A teenager stabbed then “burned alive”, a VTC driver killed by a bullet in the head, has reached another milestone

The words of the public prosecutor of were as dark on Sunday as the sky of ’s second city. Emphasizing “ ultra-rejuvenation » of the perpetrators of these homicides and a victim Fridayi “totally external to any drug trafficking », Nicolas Bessone estimated, during a press conference, that “ an additional degree » had been crossed. There is “ua total loss of bearings which will cause young boys to respond to advertisements, not to go harvesting or even to sell cannabis resin on a deal point, but to go and take the lives of others without any remorse, without any reflection ».

And the “ role of social networks are starting to question us », added the magistrate, emphasizing the “ frightening amateurism » of these young people. The Marseille police and justice system thought they had seen everything in 2023 with a record number of deaths (49) and an extreme rejuvenation of the small hands of trafficking, these jobbers, the small hands of trafficking often recruited far from Marseille, used like flesh fired by network heads like the DZ Mafia or Yoda.

This year, the conflict moved from the northern districts towards the city center, in the 3rd arrondissement, towards Belle de Mai, one of the poorest districts in Europe. And the DZ Mafia, which had gained the upper hand over Yoda, is now opposed to the “ so-called black clan from the Félix Pyat city, notably for the takeover of the deal point in the Moulin de Mai city”explained the prosecutor.

Most of the 17 narchomicides recorded by the AFP since January are linked to this war, according to the prosecution, and the violence accelerated this week, with two new deaths. On Wednesday, a 15-year-old boy was recruited for 2,000 euros, via social networks, by a 23-year-old man detained near Aix-en-Provence and presenting himself as belonging to the DZ Mafia.

Supposed to intimidate a competitor by setting fire to the door of his apartment, the teenager was spotted by a gang present at the foot of the building. What followed was an act of “unprecedented savagery » : “He will be stabbed with 50 stab wounds and taken to the Fonscolombes city, where, according to the results of the autopsy, he will be burned alive », indicated Nicolas Bessone.

A revenge that kills an innocent

The same inmate, at “ serious record ” more “ not known on the radar to be at the top of the pyramid », then tries to take revenge. He recruits, again on social networks, another young person, only 14 years old and from , to kill a member of the Blacks, for 50,000 euros this time.

Taken to a hotel room, where he is joined by another teenager, still on the run and actively sought, the would-be killer orders a VTC to carry out his contract. “They will ask the driver to drop them off and wait for them, but he obviously ‘does not comply’ and the minor shoots him fatally in the back of the head”. Nessim Ramdane, 36-year-old amateur footballer, “ who to support his family also had this declared activity of chauffeurr” insists the prosecutor, is the first collateral victim of the year.

Another paradoxical element of this file and at this stage unexplained: it was the sponsor himself of this contract who called the police, at 17, to denounce the young assassin, who had therefore not fulfilled his mission, allowing his arrest. In police custody, the minor, placed in a home since he was nine years old with parents who were themselves detained in drug-related cases, admitted to having shot the driver, explaining however that the shot “fired accidentally”. Sunday evening he was placed in pre-trial detention in the juvenile section of a prison in the region.

“It is imperative to take the full measure of the devastation linked to drug trafficking, which undermines the very foundations of our society,” with young people intoxicated by easy drug money, (…) to the point of total disregard for human life », Alerted Franck Rastoul, general prosecutor of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal, in September during his back-to-school speech.


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