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TES Canada leads to the “quiet privatization of Hydro-Québec”, fears PSPP

Taking advantage of the only daily question available to it, the 3rd opposition group followed the government on its support for TES Canada. Various experts come to the conclusion that it is “a bad project, with a bad business model, both in terms of energy and economics,” points out the PQ leader.

Believing in turn that the TES Canada project is based on the resale of electricity to Hydro-Québec – the promoter denies this – Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon wonders when did Prime Minister Legault obtained “the electoral mandate to privatize Hydro-Québec”.

“Does he really want his legacy, the legacy of his government, to be to have undone the legacy of René Lévesque?”

— Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, leader of the Parti Québécois

The Prime Minister denies wanting to touch Hydro-Québec. He rather criticizes his counterpart for having himself mentioned the idea in past writings. “The legacy of René Lévesque is one of the most important legacies,” he exclaims.

Mr. Legault nevertheless argues that self-production of electricity was already authorized under René Lévesque. He still maintains that it was the PQ regime, under Bernard Landry, which subcontracted wind production to the private sector. “What is important is that Hydro-Québec is the project manager,” insists the CAQ leader.

Exchange between the 3rd opposition group and the government, regarding TES Canada (National Assembly of Quebec)

Hydro-Québec negotiates the purchase of surpluses

The exchange continued between the PQ MP for Jean-Talon, Pascal Paradis, and Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon. The first asking the second to put their cards on the table and talk openly about privatization, while there is talk of the resale of surplus electricity from TES Canada to Hydro-Québec.

As the promoter had done the day before, Mr. Fitzgibbon maintains that TES Canada’s business model is not based on a profit generated by its energy surpluses. Rather, it is Hydro-Québec which asks TES Canada to sell its excess energy to it, says the minister.

“Hydro-Québec is currently negotiating with TES to find out if they could buy the electricity produced during the month of January [par l’entreprise.] It’s a project that is 100% private, but Hydro-Québec wants to benefit from it, because they [en ont] need.”

— Pierre Fitzgibbon, Quebec Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy

Minister Fitzgibbon’s comments essentially confirm what the promoter said the day before during a technical briefing on the progress of the project. Asked what the parameters of the agreement could look like – in particular if the company would resell its surplus for more than the industrial rate it has for the 150 megawatt block granted by Hydro-Québec – the general director of TES Canada said refused to commit, citing embryonic discussions.

Supported by private investments of four billion, according to the promoter, TES Canada’s Mauricie Project is one for the production of green hydrogen, which is based in particular on the establishment of a large wind farm in the MRCs of Mékinac and Chenaux. The commissioning of a 500 megawatt electrolyzer, in a planned factory in Shawinigan, is planned for 2028. The initiative faces significant opposition in the community.


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