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challenges remain

The World Bank’s “Business Ready 2024” report places Morocco among the 50 best-ranked global economies, praising its progress in terms of regulatory framework and public services. However, improvements are still needed in operational efficiency and market competitiveness to strengthen the Kingdom’s economic attractiveness.

The World Bank’s latest “Business Ready” report for 2024 places Morocco among the 50 best-ranked economies, highlighting its solid performance in terms of regulatory framework and public services, while highlighting room for improvement in terms of operational efficiency. While the Kingdom performs well in the areas of setting up and creating businesses, it ranks less well in terms of competition, taxation and dispute resolution.

This report, developed using a new methodology, assesses the business environment in 50 countries, including Morocco, based on three key pillars. Economies are divided into five quintiles, from best to worst performers, based on their scores in each pillar.

Contrasted performances according to the pillars

In the first pillar, that of the regulatory framework, Morocco is positioned at the top of the third quintile, with a score of 68.92 out of 100. This pillar evaluates the rules and procedures with which companies must comply in each country. Morocco thus ranks ahead of economies such as Ivory Coast, Bosnia-Herzegovina and New Zealand. On the other hand, countries like Hungary, Portugal and Georgia dominate this first pillar.

The second pillar, public services, assesses the quality and accessibility of essential services such as electricity, water and transport. Morocco reaches the second quintile here, with a score of 58.66, surpassing Mexico and Mauritius, but finding itself behind Peru, Hong Kong and even Romania. Estonia stands out at the head of this pillar.

The third pillar, operational efficiency, reveals the Kingdom’s weak points. Ranked in the fourth quintile with a score of 59.66, Morocco is just above the worst performing economies, behind Paraguay or Indonesia, but ahead of Greece and the Philippines. Singapore ranks first in this field globally.

Strengths and weaknesses to take into account

At the level of individual subjects analyzed in the report, Morocco shines in business establishment, obtaining its highest score (77.39), followed closely by business creation (76.73) and public services (76 .64). International trade (75.51) completes the top of the table.

However, challenges persist, particularly in terms of competition, where Morocco obtains one of its lowest scores (58.14), followed by taxation (47.69), business insolvency (46.58 ) and dispute resolution (43.67).


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