DayFR Euro

Access to public services made easier with Services days

For the fourth consecutive year, Services days are organized to raise awareness of the network’s various missions.

The establishment of the France Services network in the department is part of the Government’s desire to bring public services closer to users. This year, these days will take place from October 7 to 19.

Gard has 32 France Services spaces, in the form of Maison France Services with or without an antenna, and also in a traveling format which takes the form of a bus going to meet users in certain territories.

The France Services spaces allow users to have access to the 11 national partners of the system in a single place, namely: the national agency for secure documents (ANTS), the family allowance fund (CAF), public finance, the primary health insurance fund (CPAM), retirement insurance, the Post Office, the MSA, the Justice services, the France Travail agency, the France Rénov services, the Energy Check services.

Program (non-exhaustive) of the France Services 2024 days:




Nature of action


9h – 12h

(on registration)

MFS de Vauvert, rue du Mail

Create your digital identity to use your CPF account


9h30 – 12h

(on registration)

MFS of Saint-Genies-de-Malgoires, 4 rue Diderot

Retirement workshop led by CARSAT


9h – 12h

(on registration)

MFS de Vauvert, rue du Mail

Create your digital identity to use your CPF account


8h45 – 10h30

MFS de Quissac, 19 avenue du 11 Novembre

Presentation of France Services


14h – 16h

MFS de Bellegarde, 1 rue du Cadereau

France Travail workshop, presentation of transport aid, childcare, subsidized contracts, etc.


9h30 – 12h

MFS de Barjac, Place de la Liberté

Workshop on renewal of identity documents, driving licenses and registration cards



MFS de Lasalle, 75 rue de la Place

France Connect workshop, danger of the internet, CV creation


9h – 12h30

(on registration)

MFS de Remoulin, 4 rue Saint-André

MSA permanence (health, retirement, family benefits, contributions)

Many other actions are organized in the Maisons France Services during these days. Users can contact the structure closest to them to obtain the complete program.

The 32 spaces of the France Services network in Gard:

Roquemaure, Remoulins, Aramon (MFS Remoulins branch), Aigues-Mortes, Calvisson, Sommières, Saint-Ambroix, Bessèges (MFS Saint-Ambroix branch), Nîmes (MFS and 1 France Services itinerant bus), Anduze, Villeneuve -lès-, Marguerittes, Générac, Saint-Géniès de Malgoirès, Bagnols-sur-Cèze (MFS and 1 itinerant bus in the Rhone Gard conurbation), Vergèze, Saint-Jean du Gard, Barjac, Lasalle, Saint-Hippolyte -du-Fort, Le Vigan (MFS + itinerant system in the community), Aimargues, Bellegarde, Quissac, Val d’Aigoual, Vauvert, Lirac, La Grand-Combe, Alès, Uzès and Lussan (Uzès branch) .


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