DayFR Euro


During his participation in the RFM’s “Grand Jury” program, former Prime Minister Abdoul Mbaye highlighted what he perceives as a “war against the old regime” led by the current government, while highlighting the risks that this strategy poses for Senegal.

The ACT leader points to the recent press conference of September 26, hosted by Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko, as emblematic of this approach. According to him, this communication, focused on denouncing the economic figures of the previous government, is more of a “political show” than a constructive approach. “We preferred to give priority to the accusation of a previous regime over the consequences,” he declared, underlining the political calculation behind these revelations.

The former Prime Minister warns of the consequences of this strategy on Senegal’s international reputation. He notably cited the recent downgrading of the country’s rating by the Moody’s agency, going from Ba3 to B1, as a direct consequence of this hazardous communication. “We have made an admission of insolvency,” he regretted, stressing that this approach could harm the country’s ability to raise funds on international markets.

Abdoul Mbaye also denounces what he perceives as authoritarian abuses in this “war” against the old regime. He mentions the recent police summons of political figures and media who have challenged government figures, and see a threat to democratic freedoms. “We must stop this,” he insisted, calling for respect for constitutional freedoms.

The former banker underlines the urgency of focusing on the country’s real economic challenges rather than this political war. He calls on the government to present a clear economic project and to take concrete measures to reduce the state’s lifestyle, anticipating accumulated social tensions linked to the inevitable economic adjustments to come.

In conclusion, Abdoul Mbaye pleads for a more constructive and less confrontational approach. He particularly mentions the upcoming legislative elections on November 17 as an opportunity to put in place a counter-power capable of supporting the government while slowing it down when necessary, in the best interests of Senegal.



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