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“What if we reinvented ? »

The former minister, former deputy mayor of , depicts a French system that is running out of steam. But he remains resolutely optimistic and even offers his services… to Haute-.

Worry Saturday morning in Les Fuseaux. It was rumored that in the end, Jean-Louis Borloo, the guest of honor at the congress of mayors, would ultimately not be there. A little later we saw Quentin Brière, the mayor of Saint-Dizier leave his place on the stage, phone pressed to his ear. There was obviously something new. Then, one of the access doors to the large Spindle Room opened and the silhouette of the former minister emerged. He went on stage and was able to speak at the appointed time. He didn’t try to tell stories about “stupid things.” He had skipped the meeting in Saint-Dizier a bit, or rather, he was bored because he had promised his daughter Manon to have lunch with her. So he came with her and they were actually able to have lunch together in Saint-Dizier.

In the end, he said he was very happy that his daughter, she is 25 years old, could see “what is French democracy”a congress of mayors where we talk about real life in a way.

The former minister did not leave empty-handed, he will be able to taste Haut-Marne products.

Jean-Louis Borloo came out of affection or esteem for people present in the room citing Bruno Sido or Guy Geoffroy (vice-president of the association of mayors of ), also referring to François Cornut-Gentille, speaking of Quentin Briere. “I’m thinking of your dad Franck, extraordinary president of the CCI of -Pas-de-,” Jean-Louis Borloo slipped to Franck Leroy.

“To you my brothers”

Addressing the mayors in the room, he told them “to you my brothers” returning to the value of the commitment of elected officials, “you who take care of others. » Jean-Louis Borloo is uncompromising about the situation in France even if he agrees that life is not so bad there. “The system is running out of steam”he said, referring to the institutional organization. It is no longer a country that is too centralized or too decentralized but “a crumbled country. » A Nation which, in its organization, has not made its cultural revolution even though everything has changed, with Europe, the Regions etc… It speaks of an administrative monarchy, of a State which is an organ of control and inspection. “Decentralization transferred money but did not transfer standards, laws, rights”regrets the former minister of state of Jacques Chirac then of Nicolas Sarkozy.

A real piece of France

But the speech was neither pessimistic nor damning. “Here, there, this morning, you represent a real piece of France. With all the forces represented here, what if we reinvented France? »launched the former deputy mayor of Valenciennes. “We say to ourselves, how would we organize ourselves, what would we do? »he continues. He therefore seems to believe in the underestimated strength of the local, of the territories. And if the elected officials of Haute-Marne wish it, “I am at your disposal”concluded Jean-Louis Borloo. Chick?

C. C.

  • The former minister did not leave empty-handed, he will be able to taste Haut-Marne products.

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