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Letter to elected officials of the Metropolis of : homelessness in , what can politicians do?

Furthermore, you have chosen hotel care, which is extremely expensive in addition to being unsuitable for people’s needs, instead of opening structures. You have limited your support criteria by riding on the argument of “ the call of air » and asking social workers to play police by investigating the women who come their way.

You say you’re short of money ? We have some ideas for unnecessary spending items !

For example, you could draw on the budget « alarms and security companies » for your buildings (up to 2 million euros over 2 years). You could even make these buildings available ?

Pay social in your services rather than security guards in the MDMS which serve to calm women who have been kicked out and outraged by your policies.

Stop going to MIPIM in , real estate market where promoters and shareholders dictate their demands to elected officials, where entry costs between 1200 and 2000 euros per person. The Metropolis’ participation in this show costs the metropolis at least 1.38 million for 3 years. It’s true that drinking champagne with investors is worth the price.

We also wonder how much the anti-homeless barriers that you had installed around your premises after having had all the people who found refuge there expelled by the police.

Construction of offices, luxury hotel in Blandan Park, bicycle shelters rather than accommodation… We may need to review priorities ?

You say you are fighting to put empty private sector buildings back on the market. Comment ? By sending letters to owners, and even reminders ! Capitalism is trembling and private property is on the brink of collapse. Anyway, 70 % of empty housing in belongs to the public sector. Elected officials like Renaud Peyre, Blandine Collin and François Thévenieau sit on the boards of social landlords whose thousands of apartments are empty. Grand Lyon Habitat carries out a huge number of evictions, just like the Metropolis. This week again, theECG was expelled by GLHRenaud Peyre did not even deign to give the residents the date of the expulsion, and 5 residents were taken away by the PAF. Elected officials are complicit in state repression and racism !

SO, “ hospitable and welcoming » you say ?

We must remember that metropolises are the emanation of neoliberal and capitalist policies, they want to be attractive and competitivenot supportive and welcoming. Attract the rich and drive out the poor. The green varnish you put on it doesn’t change anything. The poor are always thought of in holes, in the temporary, in hotels… So yes, it is expensive to accommodate when we refuse to think of solid and lasting policies for the precarious and we prefer to pay them the hotel at the slingshot by making them feel guilty.

Town halls are not left out. Without solutions to offer, they often take on a mediation role in the squats, to push people to leave without an accommodation solution to avoid eviction, as boasts Boris Miachon in the media. That of Lyon carried out several expulsions of squats and gymnasiums. In May, activists from the Solidarity between women in the street collective were dragged to the ground by the police on orders from the town hall to evict the gymnasiums they were occupying. They spent months talking with Sandrine Runel and MP Marie-Charlotte Garin. What did they get? ? Nothing. But it reminded us that local deputies come running when we need to reduce the media pressure and calm the struggles, because it shames you that your colleagues from Lyon are not capable of leading real left-wing policies. .

As left-wing elected officials, at local and national level, you are there to pacify and stifle the mobilizations, to make people believe in social dialogue and to convince that you are in our camp. Let me be clear: you are on the wrong side of the barricade. These kinds of events just serve to justify your shameful policies. If the policies you pursue were supported by the far right, we would cry racism and sexism ; but you put enough budget into communication to get by. So our only question is: are you not ashamed ?

However, it’s not that complicated:

do not evict squats and housingdon’t aggravate the problem: if a building has remained empty long enough to be squatted, it is legitimate to occupy it, that’s too bad for you !

requisition empty housingmake buildings, municipal and metropolitan facilities available if necessary to shelter people on the street

think about real housing policies, wealth distribution and the fight against inequalitiesnot gifts to promoters and businesses. We don’t want social innovation, we want housing for all !

do not denigrate the struggles : the people involved know better than you what they need and what is right. Listen to them instead of explaining life to them and establishing a false dialogue.

Fight against the state, not against the poor : expulsions, restrictions, controls… We remind you that the goal is to fight against the State, not to imitate it. Choose your side !

Signed: Those who can’t take any more of you

PS : Faced with the racist and sexist policies of the State and local authorities, faced with the hunt for the poor in the metropolis, only the balance of power succeeds: let’s mobilize !


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