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a regional security brigade deployed to Rosa-Parks high school after the attack on a student

The Rosa Parks high school is home to a regional security brigade, announced Valérie Pécresse on Friday October 4. This announcement comes several days after the attack with a hammer on a student.

During a trip to (Essonne), at the Rosa-Parks high school, Valérie Pécresse announced this Friday, October 4, the deployment of a regional security brigade. The unit will be installed “permanently” in the high school, “shared” with the Talma high school in .

The video protection system must also be reinforced, with 68 exterior cameras and 38 interior cameras effective next December. The total amount of this operation is estimated at €545,000.

On September 27, the school was the scene of a fight between students, during which one of them was hit with a hammer.

A “security shield” deployed

According to data communicated by the region, the department includes 15% of the 174 interventions since the start of the school year in September in the Ile-de- region, whether for fights, alarm triggering or intrusion attempts.

A certain statistical over-representation while “the number of high school students in Esson represents less than 10% of the high school population in Ile-de-France”.

A “security shield” was thus deployed by the region, for a sum of 80,000 euros, in order to equip the town of Montgeron with surveillance cameras and equipment allocated for the municipal police, with new vehicles, radios , and bulletproof vests.

The region also indicates that it is launching a call for projects to combat brawls, in order to “encourage and finance community projects in the field which detect risks, alert institutional actors and law enforcement when a brawl is anticipated” .


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