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Haute-Loire. For Bernard Pivot, “Yssingeaux was the only city in the world beginning with a Y”

Obviously, when the sad news of the death of Bernard Pivot spread, memories resurfaced in Yssinge’s memories.

It was Friday October 20, 2006, the journalist, writer and presenter of the cult literary show Apostrophe came to inaugurate the old grain market transformed into a media library, library and cinema complex.

“It is an almost evangelical miracle that the grain can, two hundred years later, germinate here into books, computers, CDs, films… It is the harvest of words, images, sounds that we celebrate today. From earthly foods we have arrived at intellectual foods…”, launched the virtuoso of words and popular culture.

The bubbling man of culture with “Lulu the pill”

This demonstration took place with great fanfare. Alongside Bernard Gallot, the mayor at the time, we found the former Saint-Etienne parliamentarian Lucien Neuwirth (May 18, 1924 – November 26, 2013), hero of Free France, then notably a deputy who gave his name to the law authorizing the use of oral contraception in 1967.

A very natural presence: Lucien Neuwirth knew the city of Cinq-Coqs well, his parents ran a business on Place Carnot.

“As a teenager, I had a madness for words”

There were still in the collection of personalities present, Jacques Santini, the former Green, local, departmental and regional elected officials of course, including Gérard Roche (then president of the departmental council) and the young deputy Laurent Wauquiez.

But let’s come back to Bernard Pivot. “As a teenager, I had a madness for words, I collected them to make a kind of herbarium, and at that time I only knew one town whose initial was a Y. For me, Yssingeaux was the only city in the world beginning with a Y…” confided the bubbling man of culture.



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