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what Météo is forecasting for these two exceptional days


Christophe Rivard

Published on

4 oct. 2024 à 17h17

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A week ago, Météo announced two days of rain for October 5 and 6, 2024, the big weekend of the Saint-Denis fair in Montilly-sur-Noireau (Orne). Enough to give the organizers a cold sweat, since the success of this fair outdoors depends partly on the weather.

Remember that this is one of the two biggest fairs in and more than 100,000 people are expected.

During the two days, you will have to cover yourself well

Fortunately, the details have been refined throughout the week and Météo France has changed its tune somewhat. Be careful, it will not nor hotnor sunny weather. But the rains will be more moderate than those initially forecast.

So, Saturday October 5in the morning, a little wool will be very strongly recommended: a temperature of around 5°C is expected with a little mist. A temperature which will increase throughout the morning to around 16°C felt in the afternoon.

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A more pleasant temperature, but the sun should be absent. However, a little wind From 20 km/h it will be slower.

Here is the evolution of the weather over the two days that the Saint-Denis fair will last in Montilly-sur-Noireau (Orne). ©Screenshot Météo France

We will record a slight softening in the evening with a temperature around 13°C and still cloudy weather. But the fireworksif not pulled too late, should escape the rains.

No rain on Sunday?

Because showers are forecast overnight from Saturday to Sunday.

But they should not disrupt Sunday.

Once again, the temperatures will be cool, ranging from 12°C to 16°C. The sky will be very cloudy, and the sun absent. The south wind, with a speed of 20 km/h, will still be present.

In the evening, it will strengthen with gusts around 40 km/h. They will be accompanied by rain, but most of the celebration will have passed.

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