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. An LFI elected official wants a tax on billionaires to finance the Metropolis


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

Oct. 4 2024 at 11:11 am

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Should we tax Lyon’s billionaires to replenish the coffers of the Metropolis of Lyon?

While the government is attacking the wealthiest households to find new money, an elected official from Insoumise who sits on the metropolitan council has made a shocking proposal targeting the most fortunate in the city.

Lyon billionaires “total 22.7 billion euros”

Laurent Legendre, elected La France insoumise à la Métropole, put forward this proposal on Monday September 30, 2024 during the metropolitan council which was debating a amending budget. Less revenue and unforeseen expenses, Greater Lyon had to revise its copy to complete its 2024 budget.

The elected representative of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement therefore proposed the creation of an exceptional contribution (a tax) on the ten Lyon billionaires mentioned in the magazine’s top 500 French fortunes Challenges.

“There have never been so many billionaires,” he denounces. On a Lyon scale, the ten richest billionaires “cumulate 22.7 billion euros” in fortune.

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“Let’s take 100 million euros from each”

“We are proposing an exceptional contribution from these 10 metropolitan billionaires to boost the revenue” of the Metropolis, proposed the member of the Métropole insoumise group.

“Let’s take 100 million euros each” from Alain Mérieux, Norbert Dentressangle or even Christian Latouche, he said. “They all have the common point of being men over 50…” he laments.

Several Lyon billionaires

Every year, the economic magazine reveals the top 500 fortunes in France. Among them, several Lyonnais have assets worth more than a billion.

In 2024, Alain Mérieux topped the local rankings with 6.5 billion euros fortune. Followed by Norbert Dentressangle and his family: 3.3 billion euros (+300 million), Famille Lescure: 2.6 billion euros (+550 million), Michel Reybier: 2.4 billion euros (+200 million ), Christian Latouche: 2.2 billion euros (no change), Families of Grandry and Baguenault de Puchesse: 1.3 billion euros (no change), Laurent Burelle and his family: 1, 2 billion euros (-150 million), Léo and Patrick Bahadourian: 1.1 billion euros (-100 million), Sébastien Aguettant: 1.05 billion euros (no change) and Bruno Rousset: 1 billion euros (no change).

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