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the MCG will appeal against the City’s signs

Posters from the planning department present the project submitted to a vote on November 24. According to opponents, the process is problematic.

Six panels were presented to the press on Wednesday near the Mont-Blanc bridge. They present the project for the future pedestrian bridge, voted for by a large majority of the municipal council and attacked by a referendum. Their cost, around 50,000 francs, which also includes the production of videos for the city’s website.

In the Tribune de Genève, magistrate Frédérique Perler describes these panels as “fairly neutral, which simply provide information on the project.” However, the referendum committee is not cited. “Highlights” of the future footbridge are laid out in black and white, without contradiction. The referendum committee will file an appeal. Just like the MCG. “It’s a serious error, it will influence the electorate,” chants municipal councilor Amar Madani.

A unilateral decision

During election periods, the city is in principle not allowed to carry out propaganda. In front of the press, the city affirmed that the legal compliance of this approach had been verified with the chancellery. Contacted, the Chancellery qualifies this assertion. She recalled the legal framework in force but did not formally validate the content of the panels. This is a unilateral decision by Frédérique Perler’s department.

The latter defends himself: “The approach aimed at informing the population constitutes the norm on the sidelines of any large-scale project, whether the latter is contested by referendum or not. For example, the March 2023 vote on the Burgundy PLQ was preceded by an exhibition that the City of Geneva had organized.”

“The law postulates neutrality and objectivity for all authorities during a vote,” comments lawyer Romain Jordan. The magistrate indicated that the signs were “fairly neutral”, which suggests that there is indeed a problem.” If the appeals are successful, the situation could go as far as postponing the vote.



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