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Quebecers shocked by the price of rent in Montreal in a 1925 newspaper

An advertisement for an apartment to rent from 100 years ago has resurfaced and Internet users can’t believe the price of the rent. Obviously, Verdun was not yet part of the city of Montreal at that time because the city of Verdun was annexed to the City of Montreal in 2002.

It’s on the Instagram account Montreal Only that we owe this discovery.

Here’s what we can read in the ad:

“Are you looking for good accommodation at a moderate price? If so, come to Verdun where the cost of living is minimal, where you are close to schools, churches and good retail stores. Where you have a good tram service. Where you can, in 20 minutes, get to the center of Montreal. Where you enjoy abundant clean air. Where the streets are paved, clean and well lit. Where you can enjoy a walk on the river.

You can have a good 4.5 or 6 room apartment with a bathroom, hot and cold water for $20 to $30 per month.

Take the Wellington tram at Place d’Armes, and come visit Verdun before renting elsewhere.

Many Internet users reacted to this announcement from another era.

“Adjusted for inflation, about $540. Do what you want with this information”

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot

“Finally something I can afford”

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot

“$30 is barely enough to buy you a meal these days”

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot

“About $500 in today’s dollars”

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot

“With heating and hot water!! Bring back the rent prices of the 1920s »

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot

“The average monthly income was $100, which remains within 30% of monthly income. Not bad, I guess”

Photo credit: Instagram screenshot

It makes me want to have a time machine!



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