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in Seine-et-, the high expectations of the police to restore the image of the profession


Agnès Braik

Published on

Oct. 2 2024 at 8:08 p.m

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Bruno Retailleau (LR) is the new Minister of the Interior. In Seine-et-Marne, expectations are high and numerous from the police union Alliance77the majority in the department, and which forms a bloc with its partner UNSA Police. “We expect unconditional support and we hope that he will continue the commitments of his predecessor, particularly in terms ofreal estate », underlines Yvan Assioma, the departmental manager.

Dilapidated police stations

Remember that in 2022, Gérald Darmanin traveled at the police station of Coulommiers, the most dilapidated of Seine-et-Marne. The minister announced an unblocking of 5 million euros to construct a new building.

“However, we have no news to date. However, it is more than necessary, because the building, too small, is no longer suitable for accommodating the public and the police custody cells are no longer up to standard. The police did not even no changing room and change in an annex building lent by the town hall…”

The trade unionist also recalls the urgency of having a new police station in Fontainebleau, where a wall had collapsed in the courtyard: “While we are talking today about well-being at work, colleagues are cramped in this cramped place. »

Regarding bonuses of public roads, put in place on 1is July, he regrets that certain services are not taken into account, as is the case for the fifty civil servants of the administrative and judicial assistance brigadebased in and .

“Apart from escorts to the judicial court, more than 50% of their mission is devoted to police rescue, public roads and security. These police officers must quickly get their bonus, just like our few drone remote pilots. »

The loss investigation

Yvan Assioma also considers it necessary to double the bonus for judicial police officers (OPJ), “to restore a little nobility to their profession. »

According to him, le service d’investigation is in decline and reform of the judicial police has not helped anything: » The judicial mille-feuille makes the procedure more cumbersome. For full police custody, it takes approximately 15 hours of administrative workto the detriment ofreal investigative work. In order to relaunch new vocations, it would be necessary in particular for judicial police officers to be able to demonstrate their rank. Finally, the OPJ premium must be doubled, which is currently less than €130 per month. As for the financial reward relating to Olympic Gamesit should be accompanied by a medal for all the police officers present, like the military and the gendarmes. »

Lack of staff

Another sensitive subject: lack of staff. The policeman reminds that Seine-et-Marne lost 50 peacekeepers graduated between 2022 and 2023.

“We benefit from very few candidates just out of school,” he laments. And for this month’s class, all eight interns have been assigned to administrative detention center du Mesnil-Amelot, where the situation remains tense, It is time to strengthen the number of police officers in the largest department of Île-de-! »

To conclude, the departmental delegate turns to the new Minister of Justice, Didier Migaud: “Without a strong criminal policy, we will achieve nothing. It is up to the government to send a firm message! »

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