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Rillieux-la-Pape: the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic park in the Metropolis launched

The Metropolis is launching this project on the former Rillieux-la-Pape technical landfill center.

The Metropolis of Lyon has indicated that it is launching the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic park in the region, at the former Rillieux-la-Pape technical landfill center. The Métropole de Lyon has designated the company CVE, an independent French producer of renewable energies, as the winner of the call for expressions of interest for the construction and operation of the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic power plant in the metropolitan area, in as part of its commitment to the energy transition.

This power plant will be located on the former Rillieux-la-Pape technical landfill center, a project which, over an area of ​​4 hectares, is fully in line with the dynamics of the Metropolis’ solar plan voted in 2022. 6,968 panels will be installed. The plant will produce 5.6 GWh of renewable electricity annually, equivalent to the consumption of nearly 1,000 homes.

The total investment is 4.5 million euros, of which 220,000 are provided by the Métropole de Lyon. The start of work should begin at the end of 2027 and end at the beginning of 2028. The planned operating life is 30 years.

Transforming a former landfill into a productive site

This project constitutes the largest ground-mounted solar power plant in the metropolitan area, thus contributing to the Metropolis’s ambition to achieve a production of 245 GWh/year of solar electricity by 2026. To date, the Métropole de Lyon already has 12 photovoltaic power plants in its portfolio, including those located at the Hôtel de la Métropole, Salle 3000, the Musée des Confluences and several colleges.

Other projects are also underway, such as the installation of solar panels on parking lots, boiler rooms, metropolitan farms, wastewater treatment plants, etc.

“This photovoltaic power plant project in Rillieux-la-Pape embodies our firm commitment to the energy transition. It fits perfectly into the ambitions of our Solar Metropolis Plan, adopted in 2022, with the aim of quadrupling the production of solar electricity by 2026. The Lyon Metropolis continues to lead the way in terms of renewable energies, transforming a former landfill into a productive and virtuous site for the ecological transition. We will thus ensure that the benefits benefit local stakeholders and in particular the residents of Rillieux-la-Pape. »

Philippe Guelpa-Bonaro, vice-president of the Métropole de Lyon responsible for climate and energy

“Renewable energy projects must be thought out and built in collaboration with communities, involving residents for the benefit of the territory. The solar park project in Rillieux-la-Pape driven by the Métropole de Lyon illustrates this approach: the valorization of unexploited artificial land, decentralized green electricity production, exemplary local consultation which will involve citizens, who will be able to also participate in the project and invest their savings in it.”

Sylvain Legrand, general manager CVE Solar,

The Metropolis shareholder

The Métropole de Lyon will be a 30% shareholder in the project company, in order, it specifies, “to maximize benefits for the region”. In addition, “this participation will allow it to ensure that decisions, in particular those linked to the territory and the method of selling electricity, cannot be taken without its agreement”.

Several provisions are also planned for “value sharing” in the territory, namely participatory financing, a study for a local electricity supply offer and a redistribution of profits. The project will in fact offer paid crowdfunding, allowing citizens to contribute directly to its success. Part of the electricity produced could also be sold to citizens, businesses and local authorities at an attractive price. Finally, if the project is more profitable than expected, half of the gain will be reinvested in local initiatives, will supplement the electricity supply offer or will be donated to the Metropolis.

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