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PC candidate criticized for link between residential schools and “parental rights”

Progressive Conservative candidate and minister Sherry Wilson released a press release in which she drew a thinly veiled parallel between the tragedy of residential schools and her government’s Policy 713.

The candidate for Albert-Riverview published this message on the occasion of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.

While she affirms that we must recognize the tragic consequences of these residential schools on young indigenous people and their families, Ms. Wilson argues that “this must never happen again in Canada. Parents are loyal partners (of the school system) and are the people responsible for guiding the values ​​of their children to enable them to shape their identity.”

She adds that teachers should never be put in a position where they have to hide important parts of children’s development from their parents.

The Higgs government amended Policy 713 regarding gender identity in schools. It now prohibits teachers from using a child’s chosen first name or pronoun without first talking to the parents.

Mr Higgs defends this policy by saying he wants to respect “the rights of parents”.

Ms. Wilson appears to be referring to this position of her party leader.

“We cannot afford to repeat the tragic mistakes that destroyed the lives of thousands of Indigenous families. This is why I am committed to informing and involving parents of minors in everything that affects their development while they attend our schools,” writes the minister.

Sherry Wilson also claims that the purpose of these residential schools, between 1831 and 1996, was to “alter the culture of these children” to conform to the values ​​of the government of that time.

According to her press release, the candidate believes that these governments justified the existence of these boarding schools because several children “suffered” the harmful influence of their parents and that these government institutions had the mission of changing their culture and their lifestyle.

Liberal leader Susan Holt reacted strongly to the Conservative candidate’s message.

“Minister Wilson’s statement is totally disrespectful and inappropriate,” she underlines.

“It clearly shows its lack of basic understanding of history and is yet another example of this government’s lack of respect for First Nations.”

The reaction from the Green Party was even more virulent.

“It’s abominable, it’s indefensible and it’s completely false. Sherry Wilson must retract this statement immediately and apologize to Indigenous communities in this province and across the country, and Higgs must denounce this,” said outgoing MP and Green candidate in Tantramar, Megan Mitton.

“The Higgs government has failed to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls for action, refused to conduct an independent, Indigenous-led inquiry into systemic racism, and has repeatedly disrespected First Nations in our province. Now this shameful statement comes from a minister in the Higgs government.”

Dozens of people expressed their displeasure with Ms Wilson on her Facebook page.

At press time, more than 120 people had commented on the post, most often forcefully criticizing it.


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