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Gang rebellion against bikers | “It’s fucking war!” »

A violent conflict also raged in

Published at 12:42 a.m.

Updated at 5:00 a.m.

A dozen vehicles burned, the fishing cabin of a member of the Hells Angels went up in smoke, shots fired at residences, a man beaten: the gang rebellion against bikers shook the MRC of Argenteuil , northwest of Montreal, last winter.

This little-known and very violent episode was recently exposed in court.

3:09 a.m., in the middle of the night, Milway Street, in Lachute. A fire breaks out in a car parked near a duplex.


The two vehicles burned on rue Duvernay, in Lachute, on February 16

Five minutes later, two other vehicles were engulfed in flames in the entrance of a bungalow, two and a half kilometers further on, rue Duvernay.

The citizens and police of Argenteuil are unaware of it, but a violent conflict for control of the sale of narcotics in the area has just broken out.

It pits Hells Angels member Daniel-André Giroux, master of the sector, against a local street gang of red allegiance created a few months earlier, the SBJ, whose name is formed from the first letters of the surnames of its alleged founders, Maxime Séguin, Mathieu Berthiaume and Dominic Jarry.

The hard core of the SBJ


    Maxime Séguin


    Maxime Séguin had “SBJ Gang” tattooed on his back.


    Mathieu Berthiaume had the letters SBJ tattooed on his right cheek.


    Danika Ménard-Parisien, spouse of Séguin and alleged accomplice


    Dominic Jarry


    SBJ members painted the name of their gang in some public places.


The trio and an alleged accomplice, Danika Ménard-Parisien, Séguin’s partner, were arrested by Major Crimes investigators from the Sûreté du Québec in Gatineau last May. During the investigation into Ménard-Parisien’s release in August, several documents were filed.

The Press has obtained a copy of the documents which lift the veil on this little-known, but no less violent, chapter of the gang rebellion against the Hells Angels, which began about a year and a half ago.

We already knew that Dave Turmel’s Blood Family Mafia (BMF), All Boivin’s gang, the Everybody Gets Killed (EGK) and other Montreal street gangs were involved in acts of violence committed in the regions of Quebec, Beauce, Mauricie, Côte- and Saguenay.

But we didn’t know the SBJ, which went to war against the Hells Angel of the Montreal section Daniel-André Giroux last winter.

Compromising evidence

When they apprehended the SBJ members, investigators found videos and photos of the misdeeds they allegedly committed – taken during and after – Google Maps screenshots of the locations where the fires took place and text messages used to support their evidence.

They also recovered images from surveillance cameras, including one that Maxime Séguin and Danika Ménard-Parisien had attached to their home in Brownsburg-Chatham, videos of people being beaten, and media articles on the war between gangs and bikers.

The sleuths also amassed DNA evidence.

Soon the war

“It’s almost war here,” Maxime Séguin allegedly wrote to Dominic Jarry during the afternoon of February 15.

Investigators suspect members of the SBJ of having started arson attacks 10 times in 3 weeks, between February 16 and March 6, especially in Lachute, burning 13 vehicles in total.


The investigators have prepared this map on which each event occurring during the conflict appears.

“My bro, you have no jobs, I have guys who are hungry,” writes an individual nicknamed Z to another on the encrypted communications application SignalFebruary 16.

“Not live,” replies the other.

“Yo, how much for a night float? », continues the first.

“I’ll get back to you on this live,” writes his interlocutor, before adding: “Aren’t your guys with the bikers? »

“No, on the contrary,” replies Z.


Two more vehicles allegedly burned by the SBJ last winter

Three days later, a certain Jimmy Jones wrote to Maxime Séguin, still on Signal : “Big, my boyfriend. The Civic lit up the whole street! She blazed and the other same thing. It’s the girl who came out. »

On March 6, a final vehicle was set on fire in Lachute. The same day, an individual sent this voice message to one of the accused whose phone was also seized.

« Ha ha ha ! Yo, le gros, le pire, c’est que j’ai pensé à toi hier. J’tais là, tabarnak, man, j’t’en train de checker pour des assurances de char. Ciboire ! Tu vas faire faire monter, man, le taux des assurances, tabarnak, dans l’coin icitte. »

Feu de cheminée

Le gang SBJ aurait aussi incendié une cabane de pêche appartenant à Daniel-André Giroux sur la route du Long-Sault, et un bâtiment de ferme sur le chemin de la Rivière-Rouge Sud, à Saint-André-d’Argenteuil, dans un intervalle de deux heures et demie, le 17 février.


La cabane de pêche de Daniel-André Giroux a été incendiée, le soir du 17 février dernier.

Lorsque les policiers l’ont rencontré, Giroux a refusé de collaborer avec eux. Il a dit qu’il s’agissait d’un feu de cheminée.


Le membre des Hells Angels Daniel-André Giroux

Puis les balles ont succédé aux flammes.

Les membres du SBJ sont soupçonnés d’avoir battu un homme à coups de bâton télescopique à Thetford Mines, dans la nuit du 24 février. Deux coups de feu ont été tirés, blessant la victime à un mollet.

« La victime a été transportée à l’hôpital, où on ne craint plus pour sa vie, mais il a de nombreuses fractures au crâne, [aux] bras, [aux] legs as well as hemorrhages in the brain,” we can read in a document filed in court.

Five days later, on February 29, Séguin wrote to an individual and told him that two men had come to his house to kill him.

“It’s fucking war,” he wrote.

On March 4, a man approached his house, but a shot was fired, and the stranger ran away.

An hour and a half later, two men, including Séguin, came out of his house, with Danika Ménard-Parisien, and appeared to be carrying out surveillance, each holding a handgun.

Innocent family terrorized

On the night of April 7 to 8, shots were fired at a house in Hawkesbury, Ontario. Bullets pass through a window and into the residence, where a one-year-old child is sleeping. The owner has nothing to do with the conflict, but he has the misfortune of having the same name as the leader of the SBJ, Maxime Séguin.

Ten days later, shots were fired at the house of “good” Maxime Séguin and Danika Ménard-Parisien.

On May 7, it was the turn of the residence of Daniel-André Giroux’s right arm to be the target of a firearm discharge.

Two days later, the SBJ members were arrested and several items, including firearms, drugs and money, were seized.


Various objects, including two handguns, seized from Maxime Séguin and Danika Ménard-Parisien, during a search carried out on March 7, two months before their arrest

After the arrests, shots were fired at the house of an alleged SBJ accomplice, Jonathan-Léo Crooks, who was also accused.

During his interrogation, the latter refuses to collaborate with investigators, expressing fears and describing what gangs do to their enemies and traitors.

Investigations into the release of Séguin, Berthiaume, Jarry and Crooks will take place soon. The evidence contained in the documents filed in court has therefore not yet been tested in court.

By refusing his provisional release to Danika Ménard-Parisien, Judge Gilles Garneau, of the Court of Quebec, suggested that Quebec did not need another war, alluding to the conflict between Hells Angels and Rock Machine which caused 160 deaths and as many injuries from 1994 to 2002.

The situation in the Argenteuil MRC has become calm again since the arrests in May.

To contact Daniel Renaud, call 514 285-7000, ext. 4918, write to [email protected] or write to the postal address of The Press.


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