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You have found animal bones in your garden: what should you do?

You may have buried your pet in the garden, but have you thought about the next owners who might come across the bones? This is what happened to Anaïs, who pressed the orange Alert Us button to find out what she should do.

Anaïs has just bought a house, and while doing her garden, she came across the bones of an animal. She wondered what she should do and pressed the orange Alert Us button.

Our alert person must contact the rendering enclosure, an animal corpse collection servicefree for individuals. She must gather the bones and put them in a place accessible to the truck, taking care to protect yourself by wearing gloves.

Is burying your pet yourself allowed?

This discovery happened because the previous owners of the land buried their pet in the garden. As a reminder, this isa practice prohibited everywhere in the Brussels region, but authorized in Wallonia under certain conditions.

You need to check that the police regulations your municipality authorizes it. If this is the case, it must be an animal weighing less than 10 kilos, which died of natural causes.

If it has been euthanized, the veterinarian generally offers to take care of the remains.

There are also animal cemeteries with, if the owner wishes, ceremonies offered.

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