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SENEGAL-UNIONS-REVENDICATIONS / Saint-Louis: the grievances of trade union centers will be studied, promises the deputy prefect – Senegalese Press Agency

Saint-Louis, May 2 (APS) – The grievances of the trade union centers of Saint-Louis (north) will be studied by the administrative authorities, promised Wednesday the deputy prefect of the said department, Abdou Khadre Dieylani Bâ.

”We guarantee them that we will do our best to study all these grievances. [Pour] everything that falls within our prerogative, we will study them and really resolve them in collaboration with all the services concerned,” he said.

Mr. Bâ spoke to the press on Wednesday following a ceremony to hand over the lists of grievances, on the occasion of International Workers’ Day.

He said matters falling under the central level will be referred to higher authorities.

The grievances, he explains, practically revolve around requests for improvement in working conditions, particularly social care.

The deputy prefect of Saint-Louis took advantage of this opportunity to congratulate the various union centers. ”We just want to congratulate the unions for the excellent work they have done over the last few years, but also wish them a happy Labor Day,” he said.

Having come to take part in this ceremony of handing over lists of grievances, Adama Diouf, regional labor and social security inspector of Saint-Louis, said he was driven by a feeling of satisfaction.

”I have a feeling of satisfaction with regard to the union organizations, therefore the Saint-Louis region. (…) we were able to really see their openness, their spirit of collaboration in the interest and satisfaction of employees’ demands,” he rejoiced.

Several trade union organizations including the association of masons of Saint-Louis (AMS), the regional union of the National Confederation of Workers of Senegal (CNTS) and the union of municipal workers came to submit their lists of grievances.



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