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Urgent work at Château Zoé-Turgeon: the mayor of L’Ange-Gardien applauds

The mayor of L’Ange-Gardien views “with a positive eye” the carrying out of emergency work at Château Zoé-Turgeon, the deterioration of which has caused concern for several years, in particular to repaint certain parts of the roof.

The Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC) confirmed to the Journal that it asked the owner to carry out certain work “as quickly as possible” in order to ensure the preservation of this century-old building on Avenue Royale, formerly known as “Château Richard” and which was classified as a heritage site last March.

“This work aims in particular to restore roofs to ensure their watertightness, repair broken or unsafe doors and windows, as well as their locking devices, restore galleries and balconies and put the heating and heating systems back into operation. lighting,” indicates the ministry.

The information was first reported by Radio-Canada on Monday morning.


Questioned by Le Journal, Mayor Pierre Lefrançois said he had noticed work being carried out for about two weeks. The roof covering on the second floor was notably repainted, according to him.

“It’s quite imposing. We see that it is beautiful. It’s come back like in time,” he emphasizes.

He says he is happy to see that the file is progressing.

“We are very happy that it is coming to fruition and that it will evolve and then start again. We see that in a positive light. We are very happy and I am sure that everyone in the municipality is also happy to see that work is underway,” says the man who has been at the head of the municipality since 2001.

He hopes that the restoration will continue with other phases of work, the costs of which have not been revealed.

Legal obligation

The owner of the premises has a legal obligation to “take the necessary measures to preserve the heritage value of this property” and the maintenance costs are therefore her responsibility, indicates the ministry.

However, it is eligible for financial aid that can cover up to 50% of expenses depending on budget availability.

“The Ministry offered its support to the owner in submitting an application for financial assistance,” maintains the MCC.

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