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Agricultural crisis in : alarming losses and an uncertain future for farmers – News – – Agriculture

In a context of deep crisis affecting all agricultural sectors in , representatives of the Chamber of Agriculture, wine growers, breeders and arborists, drew up an alarming observation during a press conference. Between drops in yield, climatic and health calamities, the agricultural profession is sounding the alarm, demanding concrete action from public authorities.

Magali Saumade was quick to set the scene: “The wine industry is in great difficulty, facing a crisis that we must face all together. » At his side, Jean-Louis Portal, secretary general of the Chamber, detailed the situation.

“From 3.2 million hectoliters to 2.4…”

“Last January we were talking about a catastrophic situation, today it is even worse. Excessive rainfall has caused poor fertilization of flowers and the losses linked to coulure are enormous. » In addition to these climatic hazards, mildew, frost, heat waves and violent winds have worsened the situation. Result: a drop in production of 25% to more than 50% in some places. “If Gard produced 3.2 million hectoliters, the first projections announce only 2.4 million this year… And that is an optimistic estimate.”

The balance of the wine market also promises to be complex, especially with unsold stocks from the previous year. Jean-Louis Portal insists: “There is real discouragement among wine growers. Our hopes now rest on uprooting the vines.”

Arboriculture and livestock also in difficulty

Philippe Cavalier, arborist, also sounded the alarm for his sector. Cherry and apricot, in particular, have suffered from unfavorable weather conditions this year, with national cherry production reduced to 30,000 tonnes, far from Turkey’s 600,000 tonnes.

As for apricots, “production is also in decline, with conservation problems aggravated by heavy rains,” he continues. The peaches and nectarines sector is not escaping the crisis, with an advanced harvest schedule of around two weeks leading to direct competition with Spanish producers. “This influx of products on the market has caused a drop in prices,” he notes, not without dismay.

FCO: “We already have between 40 and 50 households in the department”

Livestock farming is also in the eye of the storm, particularly due to a major health crisis. Fanny Tamisier, elected representative of the Chamber in charge of livestock, warned of the scale of the epidemic of bluetongue (BFT), a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. “The FCO stereotype 8 is spreading at an alarming rate. We already have between 40 and 50 households in the department, and in , we went from 1000 to 2000 households in the space of a month,” she explained with concern.

The elected representatives of the Gard Chamber of Agriculture paint a very gloomy picture. © CA Gard.

The main problem is the lack of vaccines. “Spain, which is also facing the epidemic, is producing vaccines, but they are not enough. We ask the State to take charge of vaccination to erect a health barrier,” she insisted.

An uncertain future for young farmers

Fabien Chaussinand, secretary general of Young Farmers, for his part expressed his concerns for the future of the young generation. “Many young people who settled in 4 or 5 years ago are struggling to keep their forecasts. They are facing galloping inflation and falling incomes, to the point that some – and there are many – are considering quitting. » A situation all the more alarming since “half of the winegrowers will retire in the next five years, with no buyers in sight”.

Faced with this generalized crisis, the Gard Chamber of Agriculture continues to explore solutions, in particular through the Territorial Food Program (PAT). Delphine Fernandez, vice-president of the Chamber, spoke of partnerships with local authorities to encourage the supply of school canteens and hospitals with local products. “In this period of crisis, it is essential to find new outlets for our producers. »

“Hungry belly has no ears”

David Sève, president of the FDSEA du Gard, concluded the conference on a note of urgency. “We look forward to the promised measures to support our farmers. Without rapid action, the situation could deteriorate. A situation which, according to him, could lead to growing social tensions if nothing is done quickly “How do we say it again? Hungry belly has no ears…”


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