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For waste sorting, the SMDO is banking on local in 2024

No, waste sorted at home and sent to the Villers-Saint-Paul sorting center is not then sent to the other side of the world to be recycled. The mixed union of the Department of Oise (SMDO) and its partner Smitom du Seine et- have just signed new regional contracts.

For example, the Nord Pal Plast company (Lesquin, Nord) will transform plastic bottle bales in order to design new bottles. In the same movement, shampoo bottles or laundry detergent cans will be recycled in Brenouille, steel in (Arcelor Mittal), aluminum at the Belgian border and cardboard boxes near Soisson.

In addition to their proximity, the other advantage is that these factories are committed to reducing CO2 emissions and carbon offsetting. For example, Saica Paper (Soisson) is engaged in planting trees in the Ourscamp national forest. Finally, Norske Skog Golbey recycles newspapers, journals and magazines in Golbey, in the Vosges.

More local sectors for more eco-responsible recycling of materials.

20 years of waste sorting with SMDO

On May 17, the Mixed Union of the Department of Oise (SMDO) celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Energy Recovery Center (CVE). A look back at an innovative bet launched from the outset.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Energy Recovery Center (CVE) of the Mixed Union of the Department of Oise (SMDO), its president, Philippe Marini, invited numerous elected officials, partners and members of the 19 member intercommunities to the site. of an organization that has been and remains at the forefront of the ecological transition.

An investment of 118 million euros in 2004 for the recovery of waste in the Oise

In 2004, this cutting-edge industrial system opened its doors under the aegis of the Syndicat Mixte de la Vallée de l’Oise (SMVO). The result of two years of work and an investment of more than €118 million, it now has two heat treatment energy recovery lines operating 24 hours a day. After the merger of SMVO and the Syndicat Mixte Oise Verte Environnement in 2016 , the SMDO was created and brings together 19 intermunicipalities, i.e. 575 municipalities and nearly 800,000 inhabitants.

Recycling waste from 575 municipalities or 800,000 inhabitants

Since its start-up, the CVE has maintained the same waste processing capacity, i.e. 178,500 tonnes per year. A choice claimed by the SMDO, thermal recovery helps avoid landfilling waste, reduces the general tax on polluting activities and generates revenue while being a good example of a circular economy.

A third line of waste recovery to come via a new investment of 110 million euros

While the site has been operated by Idex since April 2022, the SMDO plans to extend the CVE: a third line is about to see the light of day thanks to an investment of more than €110 million. While the first stone was laid last December, this third line should be put into service in September 2025. It will make it possible to thermally recover waste with a high lower calorific value.

80,000 tonnes of additional waste can be treated

An additional 80,000 tonnes of waste can be processed, to reach a total of 258,500 tonnes. At the same time, new networks in and Villers-Saint-Paul planned for 2025 will allow the CVE to heat 13,500 homes. social services of the Creil Sud Oise conurbation. The electricity produced using this new line will ultimately be sold on the market, Idex reported last December.

Social housing heated thanks to the recycling of waste

Present during the celebration, the prefect of Oise, Catherine Séguin, welcomed an innovative project: “The SMDO was a pioneer and avant-garde in terms of energy recovery from waste. This is a subject of general interest and priority. There is an urgent need to act.”


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