DayFR Euro

Zalando lets go of a subcontractor in Switzerland: 350 jobs cut

The end of the year promises to be difficult for 350 employees of Ceva Logistics in Switzerland. The company, which specializes in processing returns for online fashion giant Zalando, has announced a mass layoff, after its contract with the German company was not renewed. Ceva Logistics, headquartered in Baar (ZG), is one of the world’s largest returns management companies. This decision will affect 212 permanent and 138 temporary employees at its Neuendorf site, in the canton of Solothurn.

Ceva Logistics has been processing returns from Swiss customers for Zalando for years, but the German group has chosen to move its operations to a new site in Ticino. According to a Zalando spokeswoman, the move aims to improve returns efficiency by reducing transportation times and distances. The new Sant’Antonino center, certified sustainable, meets these criteria and is better served by public transport, in particular by the Swiss Post.

“Zalando and Ceva Logistics must jointly assume their responsibilities and find solutions that allow employees a smooth transition to new work,” demanded the Unia union. Working conditions at Ceva Logistics had already been the subject of criticism, Blick recalled on Monday. Particularly because of the high demands placed on employees, 96% of whom are women, often from an immigrant background and do not have a good command of German.



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