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the home of this former 24h of driver burglarized in Hauts-de-Seine



Published on

September 30, 2024 at 12:09 p.m.

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During the night of Friday September 27 to Saturday September 28, 2024, around midnight, the home of the racing driver Frédéric Alliot was robbed in Sèvres, learned Paris news with the public prosecutor’s office, confirming information from the Parisian.

Also read: Paris: in the middle of the night, a Louis Vuitton store robbed on Boulevard Saint-Germain

The investigation continues

The amount of damage being estimated at 500 000 eurosan investigation into aggravated burglary was opened and entrusted to the banditry suppression brigade (BRB). The perpetrator(s) have not yet been identified or located.

According to daily information, the burglars mainly stole watches and the luxury leather goods.

A former racing driver, Frédéric Alliot distinguished himself on the 24-hour circuit of in the 1970s and 1980s. His name perhaps speaks to Formula 1 fans, since he is the brother of the driver Philippe Alliot.

The investigation continues.

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