DayFR Euro

Miss Excellence: the winner from the North comes from Pas-de- and the winner from Pas-de-… comes from the North!

These are more than 850 spectators who attended the elections of Miss Excellence and Pas-de- 2024 this Saturday, September 28. That’s 200 more people than in 2023, already in the Escaudoeuvres multipurpose room.

This competition open to young single women aged 18 to 25 welcomed 24 participants12 for the North and 12 for Pas-de-Calais. And two juries were therefore appointed to elect the two Miss Excellence of the evening. The organizer, Émilie Secret Hédin (Miss National Prestige 2016), had programmed a show in which the dance and song performances were enhanced by light shows and video projections on a giant screen. Before the final verdict, the candidates paraded in different outfits. Between each passage, the misses who have been elected since 2017 also paraded with sometimes danced performances.

Coronation of Ait Dadda Alla Chahinez, Miss Excellence North.

Coronation of Cindy Vanghelle, Miss Excellence Pas-de-Calais.

The multipurpose room was packed.

Miss Excellence Nord and Miss Excellence Pas-de-Calais.

A crazy atmosphere in the audience

The organizer, Émilie Secret, between Miss Excellence Pas-de-Calais and Miss Excellence Nord.

National final in March 2025

After the public vote and the jury’s deliberation, the verdict was revealed in an incredible atmosphere provided by the spectators. And so it is Ait Dadda All Chahinez who was elected Miss Excellence Nord 2024. She is 20 years old and lives in Billy-Montigny, in Pas-de-Calais. She is taking a 3rd degree in sports faculty with the aim of becoming a PE teacher.


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