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in Seine-et-, they demonstrate their distrust of the government


Paul Varenguin

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 6:20 a.m.

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“Macron, Barnier, Bardella, and presto, all that in the trash”, “Emmanuel Macron, president of the bosses, we want your dismissal”… It is to the sound of numerous songs that a fifty people demonstrated their discontent, at the call of the New Chellois Popular Front, Saturday September 28, 2024, in the streets of (Seine-et-Marne).

They marched to show their distrust of the government of Michel Barnier, and to demand the dismissal of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.


This mobilization comes a little more than two months after the second round of the legislative elections, on July 7. In the tenth constituency of Seine-et-Marne, the New Popular Front had also been a hit by collecting just under 70% of the votes.

The feminist cause represented

September 28 is also World Abortion Rights Day. Among the demonstrators, a few people carried signs displaying their support for victims of gender-based and sexual violence, in particular.
In addition, during the speeches, some recalled their concerns regarding this right, enshrined in the Constitution, with the arrival of the new government.

After several weeks of silence, the President of the Republic appointed Michel Barnier to Matignonon September 5. That same evening, a meeting of supporters of different left-wing parties was held in Chelles. This is where the idea of ​​a local-scale demonstration was born.

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This Saturday morning, a few dozen people gathered in front of the Cultural Center to walk towards the Chelles-Gournay SNCF station.


It was clear that the government’s announcement on September 21 did not convince all residents of the area. “ Macron is making fun of ushe called elections and did not listen to the results,” dares a demonstrator in the procession.

Another adds: “ the project led by the president since 2017 is not working. The debt is exploding, so are social divisions, we want something else.”

At the end of the march, the deputy for the tenth constituency of Seine-et-Marne, Maxime Laisney (LFI), spoke. For him, “the number of people present testifies to the anger in the country.”

He targeted the behavior of the President of the Republic, who refused to appoint Lucie Castets, and the choices made in the formation of the new government, in which many Republican personalities were named. “In any democracy, the Prime Minister must come from the party that won the elections. This is not the case here,” he stressed.

For the chosen one, these choices are a“total negation of the popular will”, Emmanuel Macron having the “objective of going to the end of his deadly policy”.

As for the members of the PCF, we speak of a “strong disgust” with this government, “composed of people from the hard right “. For Hervé Agbessi, representing the Ecologists, and also an opposition politician in Chelles, “Macron and Barnier form theanti-popular front”,and affirms that the new government “never talks about ecology”.

All promise to remain united in their fightespecially since, Tuesday October 2, the request for dismissal of the President of the Republic must be analyzed in committee.

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