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rain and wind in the north, mildness in the south-east… cut in two this week

The weather promises to be rough across a good part of for this first week of October, Météo-France announces. From this Monday, September 30, rain is expected in the northern half of the country.

Summer is truly over in a large part of the country. After cool but relatively calm weather this weekend, weather conditions will deteriorate in the coming days, according to Météo-France forecasts. Rain will indeed affect almost the entire country, starting with , and the northwest quarter this Monday, September 30.

“No region escapes rain, showers or wind at one time or another,” summarizes La Chaîne Météo.

This Monday, rains will sweep across the northern half of the country and evacuate through the northeast quarter. To the south, clearings will develop. “The maximums range from 14 to 19 degrees in the northern half of France, from 19 to 24 degrees in the southern half, and up to 26 to 27 near the Mediterranean,” we can read in the Météo bulletin. -France, which notably anticipates 25°C in .

Tuesday October 1, the day of Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration to the National Assembly, the weather will deteriorate further. “A disturbance capable of causing heavy precipitation is looming over the north-western quarter of the country,” warns Météo-France.

Calm Thursday and Friday

If the southeast is spared, the wind will strengthen in the central regions and rain will fall over a large part of the country.

On Wednesday October 2, the disturbance from the day before will move towards the south of France and “bring disturbed weather from the Alps to Corsica with sometimes stormy rains and unstable weather”, warns La Chaîne Météo. Clearings will be present in the northwest quarter for the first time this week.

On the other hand, temperatures will drop. It will be less than 20 degrees across almost the entire country. In the north-east, only 12°C is forecast in the afternoon in .

Thursday October 3 and Friday October 4, a lull appears. “To the west and north, weather conditions will improve, where pressures will rise most quickly, with fairly good clearings,” warns La Chaine Météo.

The calm will continue on Saturday October 5, despite the arrival of clouds over the northwest quarter. It should end the next day: new precipitation will spread from the tip of Brittany to Burgundy Franche-Comté during the day.

The following week, “the weather should be humid across the country”, estimates Météo-France. Temperatures will be close to normal.


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