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The Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko, was named head of the list for the early legislative elections of November 17, 2024 by his party, Pastef. The announcement was made by the party’s representative, Ayib Daffé, who went to the General Directorate of Elections (DGE) shortly before midnight to submit the official list.

In his statement, Mr. Daffé recalled that Pastef chose to run in these elections under his own banner. According to him, the list submitted is “inclusive” and brings together “all the sensitivities” of the party. This approach reflects Pastef’s desire to highlight the diversity of its members and strengthen its presence within the National Assembly.

Ousmane Sonko, charismatic figure and head of the executive, embodies the hope of political renewal for his supporters. These legislative elections represent a crucial step for Pastef, which aims to increase its influence and strengthen its legislative weight with a view to the reforms it has been advocating for several years.

November 17, 2024 will therefore mark a turning point for the party, which hopes to convince voters and ensure broad representation in the National Assembly, with Sonko at the head of this ambitious campaign.


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