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they collect the memories of elderly people to build a show


Aurélien Burban

Published on

September 29, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.

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“A collection of emotions”: this is the definition given by Stephanie Detlof regarding his new theatrical project. It aims to be “more ambitious” than the one put in place last year.

Collect memories

It’s even an innovative concept that the director is introducing. Over the next few months, she constructs a show from collections of memories.

Initially, until the end of December 2024, twice a month, a team of eight collectors (almost in full) will meet eight to twelve elderly people, whether they are isolated or in nursing homes, to find out their stories, their anecdotes.

The objective is to invest them around their memory which will be a source. It’s a project about their lives. For example, how they experienced a certain period of history.

Stéphanie Detlof, director

And above all, many have traveled during their lives. The anonymous people interviewed worked in different professions. All types of profiles will be concerned, whether rural people or traders.

Videos: currently on Actu

“Words can be freed”

Through this show, Stéphanie Detlof hopes to loosen tongues. “There is a need for expression, for sharing. The elders talk a lot about silence, which they have only recently expressed themselves. The words can be freed. We share emotions with them, so we are careful not to shake them too much. There is sadness, but we also laugh a lot. »

For her, there is no question of these memories disappearing. “I wanted to head towards a more inclusive theater where we are not just spectators. Which gives even more rigor to my activity. Note that some of the people we interact with may no longer be there in a few months. »

A show performed at the end of April

After the collection, it’s time for rehearsals for the show which will be performed by an ephemeral amateur troupe of 15 people. Sunday April 27, 2025. “There will be a lighting designer, a scenographer, and I will write the script,” announces Stéphanie Detlof.

From January 2025, rehearsals will take place over four weekends before the big day. “Elderly people will be able to be present to observe the result. »

It is possible to take part in the project if you are over 15 years old, if you are an amateur actor or wish to have a first theatrical experience (participation of €20), or to participate in the collection of memories (one or two remain places).

To be part of this adventure, simply register with Stéphanie Detlof on 06 23 08 13 84.

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