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“Don’t go to Algeria!”: An NGO calls on Moroccan artisans to avoid the eastern neighbor

A few days after Algeria reinstated the visa requirement for Moroccan passport holders, the Moroccan League for the Defense of Human Rights called on Moroccan artisans and entrepreneurs not to visit the country’s neighbor. East.

“The dangerous developments in Algeria regarding the treatment of Moroccan nationals give rise to deep concern and require an urgent reaction from the parties concerned,” lamented the association in a press release published on September 27, 2024.

The League stressed that Algeria “is no longer a safe country in terms of human rights for Moroccan artisans and entrepreneurs, and even for those who want to visit this country for family reasons and who find themselves victims of abusive arrests and trials.”

“According to available data, more than 500 Moroccan nationals were arrested and judged recently in conditions which do not respect the criteria of a fair trial,” denounced the Moroccan association. And added “In light of these data, we send an urgent appeal to Moroccan artisans and entrepreneurs as well as all Moroccans not to visit the Algerian Republic”.


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